音乐咖啡厅:Sing a long song 方大同为你写的歌(在线收听

方大同最新专辑《橙月 Orange Moon》即将在12月19日正式发行。最新英文单曲《Sing a long song》延续上张专辑《Love Song》一曲的概念,为心爱的人写歌,并且将思念之情透过歌曲得以传达。曲中邀请对方一起唱和,让一首简单的情歌能永久的传唱。



Sing a long song

I wrote this song
It's not too long
Cause I'm thinking about you
I wrote this song
Maybe I'm wrong
to be called all about you

I don't know what you think about me
Maybe you think nothing at all
But,maybe you could just lie to me
We could be in love, you see

Let's sing a long song
that not too long
It's when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you won't want to
Cause baby i wrote,i wrote this for you

I wrote this song
It's not too long
cause I'm the one who loves you
i wrote this song
this can't be wrong
I don't wanna smile without you

I just want to make you happy
Maybe you want nothing at all
How I wish that you are mean to be
forever and the day with me

Sing a long song
that not too long
It's when I think about you then I hear song
and you can sing alone
Maybe if you don't want to
Cause baby i wrote,i wrote this for you

In every way, you mean more to me
then you love more
Girl, I do my best to show these words are true
And if you like to make a song in the perfect
harmony with me
I find the greatest words to sing
so we could write our own romantic thing


方大同(英文:Khalil Fong,1983年7月14日-),香港男歌手,夏威夷出生,并先后于上海和广州生活,于1998年定居香港。他是一个在香港罕有地创作R&B及灵魂乐作品的唱作人。其父为美籍华人,是名职业鼓手,并由父亲教授他打鼓,故他自小接触音乐,而其母则是填词人茹岚。他在5岁时曾看过一部有关音乐人的电影,使他对音乐及舞台表演产生浓厚兴趣, 自小就不时会在朋友的派对和社区活动上表演唱歌。 方大同于15岁时自学吉他,在18岁时自学弹琴。他钟情于音乐,尤以50至70年代的怀旧蓝调、灵魂等黑人音乐为主。他的偶像为Stevie Wonder、Marvin Gaye、Earth、Wind & Fire、Michael Jackson、Eric Clapton等等,对其日后的音乐创作有显著影响。
  他于2005年11月发表首张个人专辑《Soul Boy》,并被冠以“香港周杰伦”、“香港陶喆”等称号。方大同称希望以自己最熟悉的语言诠释他的音乐,而他亦不擅长广东话,因此方大同虽在香港出道但他只以国语或英语演唱歌曲。他曾经和香港女歌手薛凯琪传绯闻。2006年度叱咤乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼上,因与另外三位唱作人王菀之、张敬轩、张继聪合唱,被外界称为香港唱作四小强之一。四人份属好友,更曾于多场音乐会中合作。又于2007年2月1日至3日举行《爱爱爱音乐会》及于2008年3月30日至31日于香港Star Hall举行《方大同未来演唱会》,大受好评。2008年4月5日于台北国际会议中心举行《方大同未来_LIVE_Concert》,吸引不少台湾演艺界的名人到场欣赏。
