AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-01-12(在线收听

1. Israel's chief military spokesman says the army has begun sending reserve units into the Gaza Strip. It's a strong signal that Israel is entering a new phase of its 16-day offensive against Hamas.

2. More than 250 people are feared dead after a ferry capsized in a severe storm and crashing waves in central Indonesia today. Eighteen survivors were rescued by fishing boats.

3. The man who gained fame during the 2008 presidential election as "Joe the Plumber" is in Israel, working as a rookie war correspondent. Samuel Wurzelbacher was in the southern Israeli town of Sderot on Sunday to tell readers of a conservative website about the rockets that rain down from the neighbouring Gaza Strip.

4. And Washington is getting ready for the presidential inauguration, holding a rehearsal today. A band played "Hail to the Chief" at the west front of the Capitol for a mock swearing-in ceremony, and thousands marched along the parade route on Pennsylvania Avenue.


1. rain down: phr v.

to fall in large quantities

2. march: v.

if soldiers or other people march somewhere, they walk there quickly with firm regular steps

