
  005 Apology

  1.Excuse me for my smoking here.

  2.I just don't know what to say.

  3.I'am sorry for what I have said to you.

  4.I really feel bad about that.

  5.I do apologize about that.

  6.I do beg your pardon for the mess I've made.

  7.I quite understand.

  8.It doesn't matter at all.

  9.Never mind about that.

  10.Please don't worry.

  Dialogue 1

  W:You didn't ring me last night.You said you would.

  M:I'm sorry to have made you disappointed.

  W:That's all right. But why were you so rude to me at lunch.

  M:Was I? Sorry, I didn'y mean to be.I do apologize.

  W:And why are you yarning now? Are you bored?

  M:Forgive me darling.I'm very tired.

  Dialogue 2

  N:Hi,Jeny.Are still working?

  J:Hi,Nacy.Come in please.I'm just putting away on my books.

  N:So, you are leaving, aren't you?

  J:yes,I'm going to take a holiday tomrrrow.

  N:How nice!I can see you are busying packing.I'm sorry to interrupt


  J:That's all right.I'm almost finished.Do you need my help?

  N:Yes, could you please go over this for me? and see if there is

  any mistake in it?

  J:Oh. all right I'll read it soon.

  N:Excuse me for taking your time.

  J:It's nothing Nacy.

  Dialogue 3

  M:what?How could you forget to reserve the concert tickets?

  W:I'm sorry. I forget all about it.

  M:How could you? I reminded you just this morning.

  W:It's leap my mind.I really feel terrible about it.

  M:I have been loooking forward to this performance all month.

  W:I'm really sorry I let you down.I'll make it up to you somehow.

  Dialogue 4

  M:I'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.

  W:It's ten after six.We're late.But dinner is at six thirty.

  M:I know.I know.I'm really sorry.I lost my bag.

  W:I'll call the lost and found office.

  M:I didn't think of it.Thank you.And I do apologize for being late.

  Dialogue 5

  M:Excuse me,Suzen.

  W:I hope nothingi s wrong.

  M:Please forgive me, but I have to leave.I feel terrible.but……

  W:What's the matter?

  M:My daughter isn't feeling well.

  W:Oh, no.Is it serious?

  M:I don't know.Will you forgive me?

  W:Of course. I'm sorry for your doughter.

  M:Thank you.It's our first date.I hope it's not too offensive.

  W:Not at all.

  Doalogue 6

  W:I'm sorry, but I can't go.

  M:Why not?

  W:I have to see my daughter.

  M:When doyou have to see her?

  W:I have an appointment at 1:15

  M:Dear Mr,Mury Bark.I'm Ranlods and I'm writing to you ragarding my

  behaviour the other day. I know that my actions are unprofessional,

  and I'm really sorry about that incident.I really accept my

  mistake, and I want to tell all of you that my actions are like an

  uneducated person.A lot of you are mad of me ,because of the way I

  react against one of the member's suggestion to me. But I like to

  ask an apology to him also and everyone else. If you can still pass

  this it will be a big help for asking a apology to everyone. Thank

  you very much.I'm really sorry about it
