美国乡村音乐:Tropical Island-Adam Green(在线收听

在没有看到Adam Green的照片时,他的嗓音让我觉得这个人没有40至少也30好几了,磁性的声音尽显成熟男性魅力。可是他的年龄和样貌却让我大跌眼镜(没有贬意),1981生,满头乱发,表情呆滞,那双大眼睛里透出些许灵气。让我不禁想到另一位音乐人en Kweller。提到Adam Green就不得不说说The Moldy Peaches(发霉桃子),乐队的两位灵魂人物Adam Green和Kimya Dawson,都是反天主教的狂热者,他们用滑稽、夸张的打扮,充满讥讽的犀利歌词表达着自己的理念。作为与“The Strokes”和“Tenacious D”齐名的纽约非主流音乐圈砥柱,The Moldy Peaches的生命可谓是相当短暂——从组建到解散3年不到,让人惋惜不已。幸运的是我们并没有失去Adam Green,单飞后的Adam Green,音乐事业相比于The Moldy Peaches是有过而无不及,器乐的选择更为精致,旋律也更为流畅和悦耳,虽然讥讽味道不如以前浓,但音乐的受众却似乎更多了、更广了。


Tropical Island, Ohhhh
Tropical island Ohhhh
Feel the sea breeze waiting
to lay you down just like a diamond
Courageous peufis by design
Blankets filled with iodine
Lover come again just fine meet us in one day
Ring ding battering ram
Full discecle battle plan
He who sells his percodines one day
Tropical island, Ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh
When i'm a sad sight, ohhh
When I'm just bagpipes, ohhh
I want to make it know you
Befriend me long after my twilight, ohhh

Whitest oceans often sigh
Just enough to color it nice
Who's your willing sacrifice meet us in one day
Ring ding another one dies
Watching posers scandalize
Trading of their panty lines one day
Tropical island, Ohhhh ohhhhh ohhh ohhh

Dreaming of a taxi which colors my dismay
it's in a tunnel the sun discounts the rain
for all those blow horns just crying where you are
the light is out there tears eclipse the sun
is just to far

Whitest oceans often sigh
Just enough to color it nice
Who's your willing sacrifice meet us in one day
Ring ding another one dies
Watching Posers scandalize
Trading of their panty lines one day
Tropical island, Ohhhh ohhhhh
