美国乡村音乐:英国民谣Quiet Times(在线收听

You ask me where I go tonight,
I'll go back to today last year
When me and you had to make each other happy
and there was hope with everything
It's hard enough to feel the world
as it is and hold on anything
Without these quiet times,
you've bought round here

I'm gonna have to run away
I'm sure that I belong some other place
I've seen another side of all
I've seen it keeps me wond’rin' where my family is,
It's hard enough to see the world
as it and hold on anything
Without these quiet times,
comin' round here

And I miss you,
And I want you,
But I can't have you
Even when you're here

I suppose I have to take you with me
broken mind I'd rather leave you here
To forget everything you've seen
and known here as every idea
When you walk up in the street
and hold my hand and smile
But I won't be takin' it,
'cause I know how it turns out and it takes me back
To these quiet times, comin' round here

And I miss you,
And I want you,
You're not comin' back,
And I need you,
But I can't have you,
even when you're here

And I miss you,
And I want you,
You're not comin' back,
And I need you,
But I can't have you,
even when you're here

英国民谣歌手Dido在众人期待中将发行她的第三张专辑,新专辑名为《Safe Trip Home》将于11月4日上市。专辑邀请了不少知名音乐人参与制作,其中还包括DIDO的亲哥哥-Faithless成员Rollo Armstrong。

据悉,新唱片《Safe Trip Home》由Jon Brion (琼·布里昂)和Dido以及Dido的兄弟Rollo Armstrong (罗洛·阿姆斯特朗)联手制作,而在专辑中的一首歌曲《Grafton Street》当中,著名环境音乐大师Brian Eno (布赖恩·伊诺)也参与了创作。

Dido透露说,在录制《Safe Trip Home》时,她曾去美国加州洛杉矶的一所大学里面去深造音乐课程。Dido在接受英国BBC采访时说道,她之所以去大学里面深造音乐课程是因为她想改变一下自己从而能够更真实地去表现自己所想表达的音乐。Dido说:“你能够从学习当中想得更远,你的脑子也变得十分活跃,这很疯狂。我喜欢这样。”

Dido在2000年与美国著名嘻哈歌手Eminem(艾米纳姆)合作了一首歌曲而一炮走红。 1999年,Dido推出了她的处子专辑《No Angel》,在即将跟歌迷见面的这张《Safe Trip Home》之前,Dido的最新专辑是2003年那张《Life for Rent》。据统计显示,《Life for Rent》在Billboard 200专辑榜中的最好成绩是第四位,截至目前,《Life for Rent》在全美的总销量共计超过了210万张。
