CNN 2008-05-23(在线收听

From the CNN Center in Atlanta, I'm Nicole Lapin. Here are some headlines NOW IN THE NEWS.

We have some breaking news to tell you about Angelo, Texas right now. An appeals court has just ruled that the state did not have the right to seize children from a polygamist sect's ranch. Now the court ruled that the ground for removing these kids were legally and factually insufficient. Child welfare officials removed more than 400 kids from the FLDS ranch in early April. A state official's argued that the sect forced underage girls into marriage and also trained boys to be grown-up predators. We will keep you posted on more details there.

Meanwhile, homes are being evacuated right ahead of a fast-moving wildfire in California's Santa Cruz Mountain; this is the aerial view of it. Fire officials say that about a thousand acres are on fire, ten miles west of Gilroy in a mountainous region that separates Santa Cruz from Santa Clara Counties. It's at least now 20 homes being threatened by these flames. And you can see from right there, how close they are.

Senator Barack Obama has started a top-secret search for a running mate. A veteran Democratic activist told CNN's John Cain that Obama has asked former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson to start identifying potential veeps. While Johnson, you might recall also how to conduct similar searches for John Kerry and Walter Mondale.

Meanwhile, Senator John McCain is gonna meet this weekend with former Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. And three men are believed to be on McClain's shortlist of his potential running mates. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was invited, but he declined, McCain's senior advisor John Clain be guessed for a same look. It's nothing more than a social weekend.

Senator Ted Kennedy playing with his dogs, going a sailing yesterday after he left Massachusetts General Hospital. This weekend, he's going to rest at his home in Cape Cod and he's waiting for more test results that will determine what kind of treatment he will receive for his brain tumor. Kennedy's tumor is part of the brain, is in part of the brain that controls strengths, specifically on the right side of the body.

And those are the headlines at this hour. For more on those stories and other news of the day, CNN is always your source whether you're watching online with us, watching on TV or watching on your cell phone. We've got you covered.
