CNN 2008-06-06(在线收听

Good afternoon, from the CNN Center in Atlanta, I'm Naamua Delaney. Here are some of the headlines NOW IN THE NEWS.

A group of British and American diplomats were briefly detained in Zimbabwe and then freed. Zimbabwe's deputy information minister says the diplomats' convoy was detained after not complying with police. They say the US and British vehicles tried to run away from a roadblock. A US ambassador to Zimbabwe says officials were trying to intimidate diplomats ahead of the presidential runoff election.

 We must say that this is, Zimbabwe has become a lawless country. They are not following their own laws, they are not following international laws, and the government's now trying to intimidate diplomats from traveling into the countryside to witness the violence that's been perpetrated against their own people.

 An embassy employee was reportedly beaten during the stand-off. Zimbabwean officials are denying that.

  Alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told a military court judge this morning that he wants to plead guilty and become a martyr. Mohammed also wants to represent himself before the tribunal at Guantanamo Bay. He and four other suspected 9/11 terrorists were arraigned this morning. One of Mohammed's co-defendants told the military court he also wants to serve as his own attorney.

 Back at home, Democratic presumptive nominee Barack Obama is on the campaign trail for the first time since locking up the Democratic presidential nomination. He is campaigning in Virginia today. Last night Republican Senator John McCain phoned Senator Obama and both said they look forward to a "civil discussion". 

 Some parts of the country are getting hit hard by violent weather for the second day in a row. Storms spawned a tornado in central Illinois yesterday and are expected in some parts of the central US again today. Thunderstorms broke out over Iowa early this morning. And large hail, high winds and heavy rain have been reported in northwestern Kansas. Severe weather watches are up in many areas of the Plains.

     Fire officials in North Carolina have told people in 39 homes to evacuate because of a growing wildfire. The fire in Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge has burnt nearly 10,000 acres of land. It jumped containment lines Tuesday night. Officials say lightning started the fire Sunday. 

 Well, those are the headlines at this hour. Stay with CNN for more on these stories and of course the other news of the day.
