美国有线电视 CNN 2008-12-08(在线收听

Hello to you, I’m Creshon Saunders. This is  the cnn.com Newsroom in Atlanta. Here is a look at what’s happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

President-elecet Barack Obama has picked retired Army General Eric Shinseki to be the nominee for Veterans Affairs Secretary in his cabinet. Shinseki is a former Army Chief of Staff and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran. In making the nomination, Obama says Shinkseki will help modernize the VA to meet the challenges of our time.

A Greek police officer faces premeditated murder charges for shooting a teenager Saturday night. The shooting sparked demonstrations and riots, leaving a trail of destruction in two Greek cities. The officer claimed he shot the 16 year old as he and a group of teens attacked the police officer's car. The Greek interior minister is pleading for restraint and says the shooting is under investigation.

As the humanitarian crisis worsens in Zimbabwe, Kenya's prime minister is calling for troops to dislodge President Robert Mugabei, and a Church of England official is calling for Mugabe to face trial for crimes against humanity.

Today the nation commemorates the 67th anniversary of the Japanese surprised attack on Pearl Harbor. Almost 2400 Americans were killed when Japanese fighter pilots bombed 12 naval vessels December 7th, 1941. Thousands of military vets and others are expected at a ceremony in Hawaii.

"Four Christmases" held on to the top spot on the box office for the second week in a row. The Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon holiday comedy pulled an estimated 18 million dollars this weekend, raising its 12 day total to about 70 million bucks. "Twilight " and "Bolt" rounded out the top 3.

Those are the headlines this hour. For more on these stories and other news of the day, CNN is your source, on line, on TV, even when you are on the go.
