IN THE NEWS - Iraqi Weapons Declaration(在线收听

IN THE NEWS - December 14, 2002: Iraqi Weapons Declaration

By Cynthia Kirk

This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program IN THE NEWS.

Last Saturday, the government of Iraq gave a declaration of its weapons programs to the United Nations. A U-N
Security Council resolution ordered Iraq to report on its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs by
December eighth. The time limit was widely considered Iraq’s final chance to prevent a military attack.

The Security Council also required Iraq to agree to U-N weapons inspections. The first U-N inspectors arrived in
late November. U-N weapons inspections were started after Iraq’s defeat in the nineteen-ninety-one Gulf War.
Four years ago, inspectors left the country because they were not permitted to visit all the areas they wanted to

The U-N resolution required Iraq to surrender any weapons of mass destruction. It called for serious measures if
Iraq failed to do so. Iraq could be found in violation of the resolution if its weapons declaration is believed to
include false information or not complete.

Iraq says the declaration proves it does not have weapons of mass destruction. It says the documents contain
current, full and correct information. Iraqi Lieutenant General Hussam Mohammed Amin supervised preparation
of the report. He said it would satisfy and answer all the questions that have been asked in recent years.

The Iraqi official said the declaration explains the history of Iraq’s weapons programs. He said it describes
civilian activities involving equipment and technology that could have military uses. He also said it identifies the
companies and countries that sold Iraq technology and equipment to develop weapons of mass destruction in the
past. Iraqi officials did not say if the declaration provides new evidence to support Iraq’s claim that it has
destroyed all its old biological and chemical weapons.

The United States claims there is evidence that Iraq still has some banned weapons programs. The United States
has threatened to use military force if Iraq fails to honor U-N demands to disarm. Iraq has accused the United
States of seeking to use the declaration to find a reason for aggression against Iraq.

In the nineteen-nineties, Iraq admitted making three kinds of biological weapons, including one that spreads the
deadly anthrax bacteria. But U-N inspectors were never able to confirm Iraq’s claims that it destroyed hundreds
of missiles containing anthrax.

Similar questions surround Iraq’s supply of the deadly V-X nerve agent. In the past, Iraq admitted making
almost four tons of V-X. Iraq later said it had destroyed all the V-X. However, U-N inspectors said it never
provided evidence to support the claim.

Iraq says the new declaration shows it wants to cooperate to prevent war. It said the United States should accept
the report as truthful.

The United States has not yet presented proof that Iraq still has banned weapons. However, Bush administration
officials said strong evidence would be given soon to U-N inspectors.

This VOA Special English program, IN THE NEWS, was written by Cynthia Kirk. This is Steve Ember.

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