美联社新闻一分钟 2008-03-15(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama says investors should have absolute confidence in the US economy, making the comment in the Oval Office, responding the concerns of the Chinese premier on the safety of China's investments in the US.

2. President Obama says the nation's food safety system is a hazard to public health, announcing his picks to head up the Food and Drug Administration, including a former New York City health commissioner as head of the agency. Consumer groups now want more funding for the FDA.

3. An oil spill in Australia blackens white sand beaches. Ten times more oil than originally thought leaking from a cargo ship. Authorities say more than 60,000 gallons of oil may have spilled.

4. In Colombia, police seized more than a hundred luxury properties and other goods belonging to paramilitary leaders. The whole included weapons, and this lion, which authorities say a leader used to intimidate opponents and force peasants to sell him land.
