音乐咖啡厅:Same Difference - We R One(在线收听

歌曲:   We R One

艺人:   Same Difference

音乐星级:   ★★★★★

所属专辑:   Pop

发行年代:   2008

风格:   Pop


介绍:   如果大家看过英国著名选秀节目“The X Factor”2007年第四季度的比赛,一定会对Same Difference这对组合印象深刻。Sean和Sarah Smith这对亲兄妹用他们无可复制的活力激情征服了全场观众同时也最终获得了评委的认可。哥哥Sean1985年出生,比妹妹Sarah大三岁,17岁的Sean为了心中的美好理想早早踏上了寻梦的旅程,最开始曾在游轮上表演过。妹妹Sarah十六岁离开家独立闯荡,曾做过模特,但就像Sarah自己说的那样,唱歌才是她最大的爱好。后来兄妹俩一起在当地的养老院锻炼演出技能,积累了不少经验。可以说参加选秀节目“The X Factor”是兄妹俩最无悔的选择,他们用最激情最活力的演出感染着在场的每一位观众,一次又一次的掌声是对兄妹俩最大的支持和鼓励,一曲翻唱七小龙 S Club 7's的经典歌曲"Never Had a Dream Come True"将他们顺利带入前三甲,并在最后获得了比赛的季军,同时也圆了兄妹俩的歌唱梦想。这首“We R One”是他们08新专辑《Pop》中的曲目,整张专辑都不错,但是只有这首“We R One”我最为喜欢,歌曲刚开始还特别舒缓,紧接着进入歌曲高潮部分就一直Pop下去了,这首歌歌词很不错,不管怎么样,时时要相信We R One。


Song:We R One
Artist:Same Difference

I’ve followed my dreams as long as I remember.
No matter the pain, no matter the rain-fall.

The road has been so long. So uncertain.
Looking back at what we’ve done,
Chasing devils on the run,
It’s a kind of emotion, second to none.
Reaching for the sun.

This is love! This is life!
This is good! This is great!
This is all that we’ve believed in!

All this time, all the tears,
All the prayers, all these years,
We’ve waited on this feeling…

Together! Together! We’re coming undone.
Together! Together! Baby, We R One!


Life can be so hard, when you feel lonely. yeh!
Hiding the ache, you don’t want to break-down.
No, no. No, noo-oh-oooh.

You can change it all, if you believe it.
Yeh, yeh-yeh.

Looking back at what we’ve done,
We’re reaching for the sun.

This is love! This is life!
This is good! This is great!
This is all that we’ve believed in!

All this time, all the tears,
All the prayers, all these years,
We’ve waited on this feeling…

Together! Together! We’re coming undone.
Together! Together! It’s only begun.
Together! Together! Baby, We R 1!

Hold me now and never let me go.
Hold me now and let the whole world know.
We R One

Gotta let this feeling grow,
let this feeling grow.

Looking back at what we’ve done,
Chasing devils on the run,
It’s a kind of emotion, second to none,
It’s a kind of emotion,
Reaching for the sun.
ohhh - oooh - yeh yeh yeh.
ooohooohh woohooo.

This is love! This is life!
This is good! This is great!
This is all that we’ve believed in!

All this time, all the tears,
All the prayers, all these years,
We’ve waited on this feeling…

Together! Together! We’re coming undone.
Together! Together! We’ve only begun.
Together! Together! Baby, We R One!
ohhh - oooh - Baby, We R One.
