音乐咖啡厅:In the late of night-Toni Braxton独特低沉极和赋穿透力嗓音(在线收听

美国灵魂乐歌手——Toni Braxton ,曾获得6座葛来美大奖,7座全美音乐奖,她声音磁性、低沉、性感..从第一张同名专辑到最新发行的The Heat(热情如火),Toni Braxton在她七年的歌唱岁月之中,充满了无数的成就与掌声。除了林林总总的奖项与荣誉之外,她也是第一位在迪士尼的音乐剧‘美女与野兽’中扮演女主角Belle的黑人表演者。她的专辑曾经获得多张白金唱片、葛莱美奖以及百老汇的肯定,这些都一再证明了这个来自马里兰州的女孩是一位天生的歌手。
       在进入歌坛的7年中,Toni Braxton尝到了成为超级天后的滋味,也经历了因破产而跌落人生谷底的挣扎。在一切苦难终将烟消云散之际,Toni Braxton重新展现出她对生命的正面态度,再次以特有的动人嗓音,表现出自我创造力的成长与反映出真实生活的写照。
       Toni Braxton总是给世人她性感的外表,但这里我们暂切抛开这些吧。听她如泣如诉的声音,她用心展示的荡气回肠或者柔情细语,Toni Braxton的低沉,融合了充沛的爆发力和诉说伤痕历史的灵魂……
       在电影《致命恋人》中,一曲《Unbreak My Heart》,Toni Braxton 将之演绎得百转千回..
       对比下其他世界名歌星沙哑而不失磁性的嗓音,Toni Braxton 竟然可以如此地富有质感和乐感。是的,这是一种质感的磁性。唐妮的嗓音,像是纯黄金打造的精品玩物,听在心里,沉淀淀的令人惊颤。这种惊颤,是兴奋,是不安,是沉腻,是迷醉..


Always thought your promise was for life
I did not think that I
Would hear you say good-bye
And I always heard you led another life
I doubted every time
I guess every time
Cause in my eyes
Braxton Toni
Love was always something magical
But the feeling is so tragic for
And all I know is in love
The thing that I want most
I can't possess
There's only emptiness
In the late of night
Just before I closed my eyes
You lied
As you kissed me goodnight
In the late of night
Just before I closed my eyes
I cried
In my eyes
You will always be the lucky one
Cause you know you'll always have my love
For all time until I die
Through the end I gave to you my best
You gave, you gave me loneliness
In the late of night
Just before I closed my eyes
You lied
As you kissed me goodnight
In the late of night
Just before I closed my eyes
I cried
As you kissed my lips good-bye
