AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-05-18(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama is wading in the abortion debate. He delivered the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame. Meanwhile, outside the school's front gate, more than 300 abortion opponents protested it and at least 27 were arrested.

2. A three-year-old boy abducted from his family almost two weeks ago is back at his San Bernardino home. Briant Rodriguez was found wandering the streets in Mexico. Officials say the boy is fatigued but otherwise in good physical condition.

3. The government in Sri Lanka has said "No" to a last-minute ceasefire call from Tamil Tiger rebels. The rebels are admitting defeat in the country's 25-year-old civil war. They offered to lay down their guns as government forces swept across the last Tamil Tiger strongholds in the northeast.

4. And dozens of women sporting wedding gowns took part in a parade in Bucharest to promote marriage in Romanian society. Organizers of the "Bride Parade" say the event was designed to emphasize the importance of the family in society.
