金属:Flowing Tears - Words Before You Leave(在线收听

歌曲:   Words Before You Leave

艺人:   Flowing Tears

音乐星级:   ★★★★

所属专辑:   Thy Kingdom Gone

发行年代:   2008

风格:   Gothic Metal


相关介绍:   冷眼旁观,我们的人性在泯灭,人总是喜新厌旧的动物,时隔4年,当我就快忘记04年的《Razorbliss》,甚至Flowing Tears的时候,Helen Vogt又带着她熟悉的声音《Thy Kingdom Gone》回响在我耳边,一切都是那么的亲切和自然,让我再次体验阴郁的乐趣,因此我丝毫不需掩饰我对这张专辑的喜爱。
专辑中Benjamin Buss用其厚重的吉他riff,结合阴沉且怪异的键琴段落,无时无刻不在将其沉闷的氛围注入听者的内心,使人陷入挥之不去的沉思,过瘾的riff逐渐将人推入人类沉沦的深渊。到底是什么使得Flowing Tears的作品那么有深度,不管是以往的还是现在的,我想这与其成员一流的技术,放松但不放纵(广告词,笑)的态度分不开的。每次听这张专辑的时候,我都会被深深的感染,尽情地湮浸于其带给我的氛围之中。



Song:Words Before You Leave
Artist:Flowing Tears

Cross me,
Possess me,
Cause failure is my name.

Guard me,
Protect me,
And out of the dark comes the pain.

Trust me,
Inhale me,
Rejection is the game.

Drown me,
Escape me,
And out of the dark, we arise.

Come guide me,
To heaven high above...

Don't blind me,
In darkness I once rose...

I pray for you,
In words before you leave.
Someone will pray for you,
In worlds of no believe.
I pray for you,
The words impure to speak.

Hate me,
Forsake me,
For certain is my fall.

Still me,
Mislead me,
And out of the cold, we arise.

Father ,
Come hide me,
From heaven high above...

One day,
You'll find me,
In paradise unborn..

I pray for you,
In words before you leave.
Someone will pray for you,
In worlds of no believe.
I pray for you,
The words impure to speak.

