生活英语基础版生存手册 08using telephone打电话(在线收听

unit 8
using the telephone
dialogues on the phone

track 1

making an important ABC services,good morning!

good morning, can I speak to miss west ? please!

certainly! what's your mane? please!

jak mandesn.

just wait a monment .Mr,mandesn.mr west ,i have just needs on
the line .

thank you mr,oh ,Mr mandesn. yes,pull vest yet.hello ,Mr wset ,i am free hp scientamams .oh ,ye.
i am in london and can i came to see you?

yes, i'll be very please to see you,i am very interested in your company.

oh ,good ! which day is convenience for you.

what about wednesday?

that's fine. three o'clock.


good! see you then .

i look for tevited .



track 2
leaving a message

it's 764315.

Is that RATOl?


hello,this is janny. is there mander?

NO,she is out.she is

oh,well,can you get her a message?


Can you tell her ,about all be back at the hotbathe at about half two.

Oh ,Don’t forget.

No,It’s all right.

Ok thans!
Bye !