音乐咖啡厅:Whole world around(08福特汽车超炫广告歌)(在线收听

2008年,Daniel Powter的最新专辑《Under The Radar》于九月发行。首播主打单曲《Whole world around》更被作为福特汽車(Ford New Mondeo)的08年全新超炫广告歌!

Whole world around-08福特汽车广告歌

演唱:Daniel Powter


Life's been good, I can't complain so far
Designer clothes, expensive caviar
And gated homes to keep the wolves at bay
Tinted glass to hide my guilt and shame

Neon signs and vagrants at the door
Broken values, needles, liquor stores
Won't somebody help me to believe
Help me to deny the things i see

Now whatever comes your way
Sometimes you win
Sometimes you lose
When it all comes down you make it through

You got the whole world around

You got the whole world around
Something tells me not to make a scene

Open up your heart and let me in

I've tried as far as enough to lead my arm in minds

Receives every words I know still were saying in the skies
Take me, wake me , push me down, as long as I'm understood
Like a soldier's view

From the bomb to the tomb

The towers I forget ever knew

Something tells me not to make a scene
Open up your heart and let me in

You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around

Something tells me not to make a scene
Ah open up your heart and let me in

You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around

丹尼尔(Daniel Powter)这位总是带着毛帽,有着精湛的琴艺,外型有着浓浓都会时尚感的歌手,他以充满灵骚味的假音,在2006上半年将在美国乐坛发光发热。丹尼尔细腻独特的感受力及出色的琴艺,让他总是能够在平淡无奇的生活中,找到音乐创作的题材,因此有着“城市琴人丹尼尔”的称号。

1971年2月25日,Daniel Powter出生于加拿大不列颠哥伦布省的Okanagan Valley地区。在仅四岁的时候,Daniel Powter就开始在母亲的钢琴伴奏下学习练习小提琴。天资聪慧,进步神速的Daniel Powter不久之后就可以在学校举办的活动中演出,但这同时也招来了他一些同学的嫉妒。在有一次提着小提琴经过学校操场的时,Daniel Powter受到了一群人的围攻,这次事件严重打击了Daniel Powter对音乐的热情。因为患有诵读困难症,Daniel Powter还遭到了老师的侮辱,而在这之后,Daniel Powter再也没有碰过小提琴。

2005年,Daniel Powter的首张同名个人专辑《Daniel Powter》终于面世,主打单曲《Bad Day》多个国家的流行音乐排行榜上都取得了不错的成绩。2005年夏,Daniel Powter参加了由鲍勃·吉尔道夫(Bob Geldof)组织的大型扶贫义演Live 8柏林站的演出。2006年3月,《Bad Day》在美国Billboard Hot 100专辑榜中首次夺冠。4月11日,Daniel Powter的首张个人专辑《Daniel Powter》在美国发行。

2008年,Daniel Powter的最新专辑《Under The Radar》即将于九月发行。首播主打单曲《Whole world around》更被作为福特汽車(Ford New Mondeo)的08年全新超炫广告歌!
