AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-08-10(在线收听

1.A pullback in the nation's unemployment rate has President Barack Obama hopeful the recession may be drawing down. But he says the rate may still hit 10% this year. The latest jobless figure - 9.4%.

2.Republican Senator Mel Martinez of Florida is resigning, leaving his post early, saying he would simply not want to warm a seat. Martinez already announced he would not run again next year. The governor will appoint a replacement.

3.US authorities believe the top commander of the Taliban in Pakistan is dead, killed by a missile strike. Baitullah Mehsud was Pakistan's most wanted criminal, directing suicide attacks, sending recruits across the border to Afghanistan.

4.The newest newborn at the Berlin Zoo, this California sea lion cub named Diego. His mother is making sure other animals do not get too close as the family swims and explores.
