
1. A next model that stopped in a blood-stained suitcase without fingers or teeth was so badly mutilated that detectives had to identify Jasmine Fiore to a serial number of her breast implants. That's according to prosecutors. Police are looking for ex-husband who has been charged with murder.

2. Federal drug agents have raided a Beverly Hills pharmacy as part of the ongoing investigation into Michael Jackson's death. Agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration served the warrant, seeking evidence of improper dispensing of controlled substances.

3. Hurricane Bill pelting Bermuda was strong bands of rain. Some roads are already flooded out. The airport shut down till the storm is over. There was also expected expressed dangerous waves and riptides along the eastern US shore.

4. In a continued effort to reach out to Muslims, President Obama has released a video message for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The President heads to Martha's Vineyard later this weekend for a family vacation.
