
SCENE③ A  一周后,在苏的客厅里  电话中



Sue:         Hi, Don. Herb and Rose are hopeless!

苏:          嗨,唐。赫伯和柔丝的事我看是没指望了!


Don:         Any ideas? Herb's already moved to Hsinchu.

唐:          你有什么点子吗?赫伯已经搬去新竹了。


Sue:         I heard there's a romantic outdoor 1) symphony concert in two weeks.

苏:          我听说两周后有一个浪漫的户外交响乐演奏会。                


Don:                 What? Get Herb to ask Rose for a date? Never in a million years.

唐:          什么?要叫赫伯约柔丝出来?再等一百万年吧。


Sue:         No, no. I'll ask Rose.                

苏:          不是。我会去约柔丝。


Don:         Oh, I see. And I'll ask Herb.       

唐:          喔,我懂了。而我去找赫伯。  


Sue:         2) Precisely! And the four of us will " 3) accidentally" meet each other at the concert.

苏:          完全正确!而我们四个会在演奏会上不期而遇



A: Where should we have the graduation party?



B: Somewhere outdoors, like the lake.



Any ideas?   你有主意吗?】


这个句子用在征询别人的意见时,是Do you have any ideas?这个句子的简略说法。


A:    We're looking for a new product to market. Any ideas, Tom?


B:    Sure. How about a compact cellular phone?



Never in a million years! (这是不可能的事)你慢慢等吧!】


这是强调绝对不可能发生的情况,所以相同的说法还可以把百万年a million years改成一千年a thousand years一百年a hundred years.另外同样的意思也可以说成over my dead body,意思是除非我死了才有可能。


A:    Would you ever date George?


B:    Never in a million years! He's definitely not my type.



1) symphony  (n.) 交响乐

2) precisely  (adv.) 正是如此,完全正确

3) accidentally  (adv.) 意外地
