
131 Merely an interlude From interdependence to intervention

“Darling, I have something to tell you,” Rachel said to Alex as she put her spoon down by her plate. “I am really very sorry about this, but I have been having my internal doubts for some time now. I’ve come to the conclusion, I’m afraid, that you have been merely an interlude in my life, a kind of intermission, as it were.”

“Our moments of ecstasy have become far too intermittent,” she continued. I understand you have your own internal problems at the institute but you have allowed them to adversely affect your interpersonal skills. You see, the intervals between us interlocking our minds and bodies, as it were, have grown longer and longer.”

“ What’s behind all this, hey?” Alex interjected. “I do wish I would not interrogate you, but it seems to me that our time of interdependence is over, and I really should like to know why.”

“Well, darling, what’s so important about being interdependent, anyway?” Rachel replied. “Let’s just say I have come to understand that we have both come to an intersection in our lives where we shall be taking different roads. I just wish you would not interfere with me so much as you have been doing.”

“Oh yeah?” Alex interjected again. “While I’ve been busy traveling in the African interior, you’ve been sitting here thinking about separation.”

“Alex, dear, I’d prefer you not to put your own interpretation on things,” Rachel went on. “The paths of our lives simply no longer intersect. And so, as an intermediate solution, I’d suggest that you stay in the guest bedroom as from tonight.”

“Darling, don’t do this to me!” Alex exclaimed. “Give us one last chance! Let me find an intermediary to intervene. A counselor’s intervention may yet save our marriage.”








