
  169. The perpetual plastic永久塑料 perishable-persuasive
  There was a scientist, an inventor of plastics, who received permission from the personnel department of his laboratory to invent a permeable plastic. He persevered in his efforts day after day. It was his personality to persist, you see. Careful to avoid pernicious odors, he examined the perplexing problem of the perpendicular molecular crystal structures, and after much perseverance, persistence, and perspiration, finally produced a plastic that he called the Perpetual Plastic. He named it this because of its permanent qualities.
  One day, the scientist was called to a court of law to face charges of patent violation. In the court room, the judge questioned the scientist saying, “Under the threat of perjury, I ask you whether you have perpetrated the crime of fraud.” The scientist perspired under pressure and gave a persuasive argument saying, “If it is permissible by the court, I would like to explain my perspective on this matter. My invention is truly perpetual because of its permanent qualities. It is permanent because common substances like air and water can permeate, but only very slowly. Therefore, this plastic can perpetuate the preservation of perishable items such as food.”
  The judge, though somewhat perplexed, expressed a permissive attitude and said, “You have persuaded me.” The scientist was acquitted of the charges. Now his invention is popularly being used for containers of food products around the world.
  perishable adj.(尤指食物)易腐的,易坏的
  perjury n.伪证,假誓
  permanent adj.长久的,永久的
  permeable adj.有浸透性的,能透过的
  permeate vt.弥漫,渗透,透过
  permissible adj.可容许的
  permission n.许可,允许
  permissive adj.许可的,宽容的
  pernicious adj.有害的,致命的
  perpendicular adj.垂直的,直立的
  perpetrate v.犯罪,作恶
  perpetual adj.不间断的,持续的,永久的,永恒的
  perpetuate vt.使…延续,使永存
  perplex vt.迷惑,困惑,难住
  perseverance n.坚定不移
  persevere vi.坚持不懈,不屈不挠
  persist vi.坚持,持续
  persistence n.坚持不懈,持续
  personality n. 个性,性格
  personnel n.人员,职员,人事部门
  perspective n.(判断事物的)角度,方法,观点,透视,远景
  perspiration n.汗水,出汗
  perspire vi.出汗
  persuade vt. 说服,劝说
  persuasive adj.有说服力的,善说服的
