
  180. Halloween fight万圣节的战斗 prototype-pupil
  It is necessary to understand the psychology of children when they are in a provocative mood. Where adults may be prudent and protract their patience in order to avoid the negative publicity that may come from a fight, children may tend to practice provincialism and provoke someone who is different from them just to be able to publicize it. To be provident is a provision that adults aspire to whereas children may first resort to provocation.
  On one Halloween night, a group of kids dressed in their costumes were roaming the streets going from house to house getting candy when one of the kids, despite their costumes, recognized an out-of-tower. The boy approached the out-of-town boy and said, “You out-of-town smut, I’m going to punch you in the pupil!” And with that, the boys were at it, arms and legs flailing about. One of the kids tried to pry them apart, but it was of no use. They were locked together. They fell into a puddle as they fought. The first boy said, “I’m going to beat you to a pulp!” and proceeded to pump him with his fist. Another kid picked up a jack-o-lantern and smashed it over the first boy’s head. The pungent smell of pumpkin filled the air. He immediately got up and ran into a nearby pueblo, which was serving as a prototype of a provisional storehouse. After the ambulance arrived, one paramedic checked the out-of-towner’s pulse and for puncture wounds while another cleaned the pumpkin off.
  Some time later, the first boy was caught and had to stand trial in juvenile court. The out-of-towner had to attend by proxy as he was still recovering in the hospital.
  prototype n.原型
  protract v.延长,拖长
  provident adj.深谋远虑的,有远见的,节俭的
  provincialism n.地方主义,心胸狭窄
  provision n.供应,规定,条款,(预先采取的)对策
  provisional adj.暂时的,临时的
  provocation n.激怒,挑拨,刺激
  provocative adj.挑拨的,煽动的
  provoke vt.激怒,煽动.惹起
  proxy n.代理人
  prudent adj审慎的,深谋远虑的
  pry vt.撬动,(强行)打开或分开
  psychology n.心理学,心理
  publicity n.公开,宣传
  publicize vt.(公开)宣传,宣扬
  puddle n.小水洼
  pueblo n.印第安人村庄
  pulp n.果肉,柔软的果肉或浆状之物质
  pulse n.脉搏,脉冲
  pump n.泵vt.(用泵)抽(水),抽吸,上下抽动,使劲的握(手)
  pumpkin n.南瓜
  punch vt.重击,打孔
  puncture vt.刺穿,戳破
  pungent adj.(指气味,味道)刺激性的,辛辣的
  pupil n.瞳孔
