
  198. The seismologist and the sect地震学家和教派 sect-sensible
  There was a professor of seismology who was involved in seismic research. After securing permission from his senator, he went to a particular sector of his state to collect sediment from the bottom of a well. The water that was seething into the well was indicative of the geological nature of the area and taking a segment could seemingly provide information useful in predicting an earthquake.
  However, there was also a sect of secular fanatics in the area who believed that that particular well was sacred. When the geologist approached the well, he discovered that sect had spread sensational news that he was planning to destroy the well. The members of the sect gathered around the well and sat in a sedentary position. Having formal permission from government, he considered calling the security police to remove the sitters. However, he chose to explain the situation first. He said to them, “There is no need for all this sensation. I will not try to seduce you with lies, nor will I try to sedate you with soothing words. I will only tell you sensible words that explain the truth and appeal to your sensibility. I am merely going to take a sedimentary section from this well, and segregate the sediment in the lab. The analysis of this sediment, along with the use of a seismograph, will allow me to predict earthquakes better.” The leaders of the sect spoke among themselves for a few minutes and then made an announcement, “I find no fault with this man. I do not even detect the seedling of a lie. If he merely takes a selection of dirt from the bottom of the well and leaves it intact, then there should be no objection from us.” With this, the professor took his sample, analyzed it, and was ready to present the results the following semester at school.
  sect n.宗派,教派
  section n.部分,节
  sector n.扇形面,地区
  secular adj.世俗的,尘世的,长期的
  secure vt. 保护,使安全,获得adj.安全的
  securiyt n.安全
  sedate adj.安静的,镇静的,平静的
  sedentary adj.(指人或动物)土生的,不移栖的,(指工作)坐着做的(不需运动的)
  sediment n.沉积物,沉淀物
  sedimentary adj. 沉积的,沉淀性的
  seduce vt.勾引,诱惑
  seedling n.秧苗,树苗
  seemingly adv.表面上,似乎
  seethe v.沸腾,汹涌,冒泡,激动,骚动
  segment n.部分,片段
  segregate vt.分离,隔离
  seismic adj.地震的,由地震引起的
  seismograph n.地震仪
  seismology n.地震学
  selection n.待选物,精选品,选择
  semester n.学期
  senator n.参议员
  sensation n.感觉,知觉,轰动,激动
  sensational adj.极好的,绝妙的,引起轰动的
  sensibility n.敏感性,感性,识别力
  sensible adj.明智的,合理的,可感觉到的,明显的
