
  200. The shipwreck海难 shelter-sideways
  There was a sailor who suffered a shipwreck off the shore of a small group of islands. He had been sailing along, having a slight case of sea sickness, when a gust of wind shifted the direction of the boat and shoved it into some rocks. The shock threw him sideways off the boat. There was a shipment of cargo being carried in wooden boxes. One of these boxes fell into the water. He grabbed onto it to keep afloat and swam ashore.
  When he got to the shore, his skin was shrunken and shriveled, but he wasn’t worried about the shrinkage because he would dry out quickly. As the sun was shining brightly, he headed directly for the shrubs on the beach. He used them to shield himself from the burning sun. He lay in the bushes for a while to get over the shocking experience of the shipwreck.
  When he awoke, he decided that he should find some food and shelter for the night. He had nothing to rely on except his shrewd ability. So he headed over a rise where he saw something shiny in the distance. He could see a house with shuttered windows. He searched and finally found a shortcut through some thick shrubs. As he approached the house, he saw that there was a shepherd watching over his sheep. As the shepherd turned around, the man saw that he was holding a shotgun. As he raised the gun, the sailor instantly sidestepped, and the shot missed him. The sailor quickly explained his situation, and the shepherd invited him into his house saying, “Sorry about the shot. I’m a little shy around strangers. How about some cards? I’ll shuffle the deck.” The sailor thought to himself, “I don’t need a shepherd. I need a shipwright.”
  shelter n. 庇护所vt.掩蔽
  shepherd n.牧羊人,牧羊犬
  shield v.庇护,保护n.盾,保护物
  shift v. 移动,改变位置工方向n.轮班,转移,改变
  shine vi.照耀,发光
  shiny adj.有光泽的,发光的
  shipment n.装运,装载的货物
  shipwreck n.船只失事,海难
  shipwright n.造船工人
  shock n. 震动,震惊vt.震惊,激怒
  shocking adj.骇人听闻的
  shortcut n.捷径
  shot n.照相,相片,子弹,炮弹
  shove vt.推挤
  shrewd adj.精明的
  shrink vi.收缩,缩小
  shrinkage n.收缩
  shrivel v.(使)枯萎
  shrub n.灌木,灌木丛
  shuffle the deck洗牌
  shutter n. 百叶窗vt.使关上百叶窗
  shy adj.害羞的,胆小的
  sickness n.疾病,呕吐
  sidestep v.横跨一步躲闪,回避(困难)
  sideways adv.向一旁,向侧面地
