
  209. The statue of liberty自由女神像 stationery-stimulus
  The Statue of Liberty’s status as a steadfast symbol of freedom has remained steady for quite some time now. As huge in physical stature as Lady Liberty is, her stem, or base, is almost has big as she. In the early part of the 20th century, captains at the steering wheels of ships steered many immigrants through the steep waters of New York Harbor past the stern faced, stiff structure. Upon glancing at the figure, many passengers felt stimulated about arriving in the new country. Many would stick their heads over the edge of the ship and stiffen in amazement at the size of the statue. Such a work of art acted as a stimulus for them to assimilate into the new culture.
  Though we now think of Lady Liberty as having always been revered, at one time the statue had a stigma associated with it. Given to America by France on the 100th anniversary of the USA’s victory in the Revolutionary War, it was supposed to immediately stand for the stellar achievements of the Founding Fathers. Instead, for the first few years of its stay in the U.S., the structure lay sterile inside a warehouse. Statistics at the time of its arrival in the U.S. show that people thought it would stifle the beauty of the growing New York skyline. This presented a sticky situation for the U.S. government. Though people seemed not to want it placed in New York Harbor, the country needed a poignant symbol so that the stimulation of national pride could occur for the Centennial celebration.
  They finally placed it in the harbor and it eventually became the symbol it is today. These days people visit Liberty Island, Ellis Island and Manhattan, enjoying steak dinners in nearby posh restaurants, then heading out to the local tourist traps to buy Statue of Liberty memorabilia as diverse as stickpins and stationery.
  stationery n.文具
  statistics n.统计学
  statue n.雕像
  stature n.(精神,道德等的)高度,身高,身材
  status n.状况,身份,地位
  steadfast adj.坚定的,坚信的
  steady adj.稳的,牢固的,持续的
  steak n.(供煎,烤等的)肉,牛排
  steep adj. 险峻的,陡峭的,深的v.浸,泡,沉浸
  steer v.驾驶,掌舵
  steering n.操纵,掌舵
  stellar adj.星的,星球的,显著的
  stem n.(植物的)茎,基座
  sterile adj.贫瘠的,不育的,无结果的
  stern adj.苛刻的,严格的,严厉的
  stick n. 棍,棒,手杖vi.粘住,粘贴
  stickpin n.领带夹
  sticky adj.黏的,黏性的
  stiff adj.硬的,僵直的,(态度,举止)拘谨的
  stiffen vt.使硬,使僵硬
  stifle vt.使窒息,扼杀,抑制
  stigma n.耻辱,污名
  stimulate vt.刺激,激励,激发
  stimulation n.激励,鼓舞,刺激
  stimulus n.刺激,刺激物
