
  213. The superficial superintendent 肤浅的校长 sullen-supplement
  The superficial qualities of the superintendent of the school led many to question his suitability for the job. Most couldn’t wait for a new supervisor to supersede him. He acted so superior and thought he possessed superb good looks. He would lay out in the sunlight in order to get a tan. But the joke was on him, because his sunburn would be so bad that he looked like an evil, supernatural being. He was superbly unknowledgeable, reaching unseen summits of ignorance, but because he had powers of supervision over young students, he thought he could get away with supplanting truth with lies. He claimed he had a beautiful sunlit in Beverly Hills. He would pack his suitcase and go across the country every weekend to stay there. “I eat the most sumptuous food in Beverly Hills restaurants,” he claimed. While chatting about history, he even tried to claim that an ancestor of his invented the sundial! Sometimes the stories would border on the absolutely fantastic. He once told the students that he could hover in the middle of the air when on one was looking. He also claimed to be able to summon dead spirits. Did he think the students were believers in superstition? It seemed he needed a psychiatrist to closely supervise his activities. On one occasion, the students paid one to listen to the superintendent’s rants. “What I see,” the doctor said afterward, “is a very sullen man. He actually has a very supple mind. He suffers from an overly strong desire to make his agile mind public knowledge. This desire is supplemented by a fear of dying as an unknown.”
  Whatever the situation, the superintendent remained as he always had been.
  sullen adj.闷闷不乐的,阴沉的
  summit n.山顶,顶点
  summon v.召唤,传唤,召集
  sumptuous adj.奢侈的,华丽的
  sunburn n.晒斑,晒黑
  sundial n.(通过太阳知道时间的)日规,日晷
  sunlight n.日光,阳光
  sunlit adj.被日光照射了的,阳光照射的
  superb adj.极好的,超级的
  superbly adv.雄伟地,壮丽性,极好地
  superficial adj.肤浅的,表面(上)的
  superintendent n.主管,负责人,主日学校校长
  superior adj.级别工地位更高的,质量或价值更好的
  supernatural adj.超自然的,神奇的
  supersede vt.代替,接替
  superstition n.迷信
  supervise vt.监督,指导
  supervision n.监督,管理
  supervisor n.主管,管理人
  supplant n.排挤,取代
  supple adj.柔软的,灵活的,柔顺的
  supplement vt. 增补,补充n.增补,补充
