
  215. The good detective优秀的侦探 suspect-symbology
  “The suspense is killing me,” Mr. Jones said to Detective Richards. “Tell me more about the suspect.” Detective Richards had been suspended from the force for sustaining interest in criminal cases which didn’t involve him. Taking in a few syllables of breath, he began to tell Jones how he nabbed the Captain. “Well,” began Richards, stroking his trademark suspenders, “I became suspicious when I realized that the floor to the office was always swept and clean during the evening. As that is the case, where did all the swampy mud come from that we discovered? Obviously, from the nearby swamp. Since Captain Moore was the only one who held a key, I immediately put him under suspicion, and the more my head swelled with ideas, the more I found any other explanation difficult to swallow. Then Moore began talking about making sweeping changes at the department, followed by his attempt to sway me from going forward with the case, and then, of course, with a swift wave of his hand, I was dismissed from the case. He kept a sustained interest in closing this case. But I did not swerve from my duty. This swarm of ideas in my head provided my sustenance. I had to stand erect as a symbol of all that was right with the police force.”
  “The ideas in your head remind me of the symbiotic bacteria I read about as a schoolboy,” Jones said. “Oh,” Richards replied, “I’m not expert in symbology, but the symbolism provided by your metaphor of symbiosis does seem to accurately describe the relationship I have with my ideas.”
  suspect adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的vt. 怀疑,猜想n.嫌疑犯
  suspend vt.吊,悬挂,推迟,延迟
  suspender n.吊裤带
  suspense n.悬念,情节
  suspicion n.怀疑
  suspicious adj.(某人或某物)可疑的,(人)好猜疑的
  sustain vt.维持,支撑
  sustained adj.持续不变的
  sustenance n.食物,生计,支持
  swallow v. 吞下,咽下n.燕子
  swamp n.沼泽,湿地
  swampy adj.沼泽的,湿地的
  swarm n.蜂群,一大群v.挤满,密集
  sway vi. 摇摆,摇动vt.使转变,说服
  sweep v. 席卷,扫过,清扫,打扫n.伸展,延伸
  sweeping adj.彻底的,广泛的
  swell vt.肿胀,膨胀
  swerve v.转向,突然改变方向
  swift adj.迅速的,敏捷的
  syllable n.音节
  symbiosis n.共生(关系),共栖
  symbiotic adj.共栖的,共生的
  symbol n.符号,记号,象征
  symbolism n.象征主义,符号论
  symbology n.象征学
