
  217. The tactile and the spiritual实际的和精神的 tactile-temper
  My temper is such that I am not easily tantalized. The tedium of everyday existence does not tarnish my view of life, nor does it tamper with my ability to criticize it. In the final tally, life is teeming with both the interesting and the tedious. We must tap into previously untapped talents within ourselves so that we can tame our love for one and our hatred for the other. Tangible benefits will soon be noticed if such an approach to life is taken. We are tactile animals. This much cannot be denied. But we mustn’t tag ourselves strictly with this moniker from the outset. It would taint the view of our spiritual side. Our tactile side can enjoy a tasty meal or enjoy good beer at the tavern, but it is our spiritual side that enables us to enjoy a beautiful medieval tapestry or discover something as incredible as plate tectonics. Our base nature may allow us to tease or taunt someone, enjoy a tasteless joke, or trick us into believing it is okay to be tardy toward our responsibilities. We must cultivate the correct temper, not allowing too much of this but not allowing too little, either. If we focus, we can look upon the good and bad with equal disdain or pleasure. Our lives are diverse. Some of us are wealthy businessmen, others work in low-paying government jobs where they might do something mundane like set tariff levels. If we can look at one like we look at the other, we can then say we have accomplished something. This should be our goal.
  tactile adj.触觉的,可触觉的
  tag vt.给…加标签,添加,附加n.标签,货签
  taint vt.污染,感染
  talent n.才能,天才
  tally v. (使)一致,吻合n.记录,记账
  tame vt.驯养,驯服
  tamper v.干预或干涉(某事)
  tangible adj.明确的,真实的,可触知的,有形的
  tantalize v.招惹,挑逗
  tap vt.开发,利用
  tapestry n.织锦,挂毯
  tardy adj.迟到的,缓慢的
  tariff n.关税
  tarnish n. 晦暗,污点vt.使失去光泽,玷污
  tasteless adj.没味道的
  tasty adj.美味的,可口的
  taunt n. 嘲笑,奚落v.嘲弄,激怒
  tavern n.小酒店,客栈
  tease v.逗弄,激怒
  tectonics n.(地)构造学
  tedious adj.单调乏味的,沉闷的
  tedium n.单调乏味
  teem vi.充满
  temper n,脾气,性情,缓和,调节
