
  221. The torpor of college students大学生对学业的漠然态度 torment-tractor
  U.S. college students have reported torpid feelings toward their studies lately. Why such torpor at a time in their lives when learning should be liberating? The answer can be traced to the fact that a torrent of ideas are running through their heads, like a tornado making its first touchdown, and the ivory tower is not the only place in which they have an interest. For example, college is often the first place students are touched by love. Touching though it may sound, the experience can be quite tortuous and can torment students for quite some time. When asked about love on campus, many students were touchy about the subject. It is good to remember that young people are very tractable, and the barrage of ideas they are presented with can make life seem tough. Many students are politically active, handing out tracts on issues students may have never thought about before, such as where and how to dispose of toxic waste or who to vote for in the next election. Such torrential ideas may only add to the apathy they feel toward their schoolwork. Towering social pressure is also a factor. While high school conversations may have focused on topics such as the torque associated with Kevin’s new corvette. No one in college wants to talk about these things. Students tow a lot of personal baggage from their home lives as well. Living in new topographical areas, they must accustom themselves to new ways of living and speaking. A farm boy from Iowa might be used to talking about the traction on certain tractor tires, while a young girl from Indonesia might previously have been occupied with averting disaster from seasonal torrential rains. Sitting in the stands at a basketball tournament in New York is a new experience altogether. With new experiences awaiting them at every turn, it is no wonder they care less about academics.
  torment n.痛苦 v.折磨
  tornado n.旋风,龙卷风
  torpid adj.懒散的,死气沉沉的,不活泼的
  torpor n.迟钝,不活泼
  torque n.扭矩
  torrent n.连发,迸发,急流,洪流
  torrential adj.奔流的,如急流的
  torrential rain豪雨,大雨
  tortuous adj.曲折的,拐弯抹角的
  touchdown n.着地,降落
  touched adj.被感动的
  touching adj.动人的,令人感动的
  touchy adj.敏感的,易发脾气的
  tough adj.坚硬的,艰苦的
  tournament n.比赛,锦标赛
  tow v. 拖引,牵引n.拖,
  tower n.塔,城堡
  towering adj.高耸的,杰出的
  toxic adj.有毒的,中毒的
  trace n. 痕迹vt.跟踪,追溯
  tract n.广阔的地面,大片(土地),道,传单
  tractable adj.温顺的,易于驾驭的
  traction n.牵引,附着磨擦力
  tractor n.拖拉机
