
  226. A unique undergraduate一位与众不同的本科生 underdeveloped-uninhabited
  Instead of going directly into undergraduate school, I decided to spend a year in an underdeveloped country. I’m not exactly sure why I decided to undergo this unusual experience. I suppose I felt a certain underlying guilt about being from such a developed country and this undertaking was a way for me to undo that guilt. The section of the country in which I worked was racked with unimaginable poverty. Part of the reason for this was that just five years before the land had been uninhabited. But the real reason was that the central government had failed to undertake any real effort to unify the country. The racial make-up of the country was not uniform. Unfortunately, this often resulted in unfair discrimination. Goods and services were unevenly distributed among the population. The corrupt government undoubtedly underscored such practices when it uniformly declared that anyone attempting to undermine the current regime would be imprisoned. Underlying this proclamation was dirty politics. However, the government underestimated the power of the masses. Many underground activist organizations began to spread far and wide throughout the country. Acting in uniformity with one another, they unearthed evidence of human rights violations and passed the information on to foreign journalists. As evidence of massacres and corrupt government administration eventually unfolded, the government, under international pressure, began to act in accordance with international standards of law. I worked with many of the common poor on fishing boats, helping to catch underwater deep-sea fish. I saw some gradual changes take place while I was there, but I am now glad to learn that more sweeping changes have taken place. I will soon receive my undergraduate degree in social work and I plan to visit the country again.
  underdeveloped adj.不发达的
  underestimate v.低估
  undergo v.经历,遭受
  undergraduate n.(尚未取得学位的)大学生
  underground adj.地下的,地面下的
  underlie vt.位于…之下,成为…的基础
  underlying adj.基础的,根本的,潜在的
  undermine v.渐渐破坏,暗地里破坏
  underscore v.划线于…下,强调
  undertake v.从事,承担
  undertaking n.任务,事业
  underwater adj.在水下的,在水中的
  undo vt.解开,松开
  undoubtedly adv.毋庸置疑地,确凿地
  unearth vt.发掘,挖出
  unevenly adv.不平坦地,不均衡地
  unfair adj.不公平的
  unfold v.打开,显露
  unfortunately adv.不幸地
  uniform n. 制服adj.统一的,始终如一的
  uniformity n.同样,一式
  uniformly adv.一律地,均一地
  unify vt.统一,使成一体
  unimaginable adj.不可想象的
  uninhabited adj.无人居住的
