
  228. In lands of uproars and upheavals在充满骚乱和动荡的国家 upgrade-utter
  John Sanders has covered many exciting events over the years while writing as a freelance journalist. Tired of his life back in Kansas, where everything had a boring and utilitarian end, he felt the urge to utilize his writing skills and his sense of adventure, often going to poor, dangerous, and out of the way places to cover interesting events. While most of the world spends their time upgrading their travel plans, John is likely to turn in his train tickets for a spot between the humps of a camel. He has covered a variety of events, from violent urban uprisings to large-scale government upheavals. He has interviewed a variety of personalities, including unwieldy congressmen, urbane urbanites, and those who have been uprooted from their homes for lack of basic utilities as various political uproars shattered their fragile governments. He witnessed the urgent need for food in Ethiopia, and became upset as he witnessed the international community’s lackluster performance in responding to the urgency of the situation. He was in Germany when young students at the Berlin Wall ushered in a new era of unification. He has seen dictators usurp power. He has seen great leaders help their countries and greedy leaders turn their countries upside down. He knows more than anyone that utopian schemes are bound to fail. He has upheld the highest standards of journalistic integrity. He is fair and never utters slanderous statements.
  Though he is not often in his home country, when he does come home he visits his small hometown in Kansas. He often travels upland to Chicago in order to visit additional family members. He is not a fan of urbanism and has rejected his family’s pleas to urbanize. “I just want to wander and write,” he says. So far, he has done those two things superbly.
  upgrade v.使升级,提升
  upheaval n.剧变
  uphold v.维护,支持(决定等)
  upland n.丘陵地带,高地
  uprising n.起义,暴动
  uproar n.骚动,喧嚣
  uproot v.连根拔起,拔除,根除,灭绝
  upset v. adj.颠覆,推翻,扰乱,心烦意乱的
  upside down 颠倒的
  urban adj.城市的
  urbane adj.温文尔雅的
  urbanism n.都市生活,都市化
  urbanite n.都市人
  urbanize v.使都市化,使文雅
  urge v. 催促,力劝,恳求n.冲动
  urgency n.紧急情况
  urgent adj.紧急的,迫切的
  usher vt.引,领,迎接
  usurp v.篡夺,篡位
  utilitarian adj.功利的,实利的
  utility n.运用,效用,公用事业公司,公用事业设备
  utilize v.利用
  utopian adj.乌托邦式的,空想的
  utter v.做声,发表
