
  231. Venues of China中国的游览胜地 venturesome-vigilant
  Venturesome travelers in China have a host of venues from which to choose. From the verdant grasslands of the steppes of Inner Mongolia to the verbal acrobatics of Xiangsheng comedy duo performers in Chinese theaters, there is a lot to take in. China provides versatile pleasures. Travelers with little vigilance may not be able to witness this. Therefore, do not allow one traveler’s version of China to influence you. In one instance, a traveler told us that a friend’s negative experience in Fujian almost vetoed his desire to go there. Travel with an open mind, be vigilant to all the different opportunities that abound, and you will likely find that many negative comments made by others cannot be verified at all. One example of differing opinions of the same site is the Peking Man site near Beijing. A museum dedicated to the archeological discovery of one of the first vertebrates to walk in a vertical fashion, some people find it a vibrant place to visit, while others say that though the vicinity is nice, the museum is a bore. Speaking of Beijing, it happens to be the cultural and economic capital of the country. Many people come from far away to vie for even menial jobs, just so they can live in this metropolis. Too many, perhaps, see Beijing as their vessel to success. Unfortunately, many do not vibrate to the tune of success. But the exciting vibrations of the city keep people here. All in all, a viable living can be made there. To even be slightly victorious, economically speaking, is quite an accomplishment in such a huge city. Many foreign tourists find the economic viability inviting a well. Employment opportunities are abundant, and while they may have been losers in their own backyard, in Beijing they are the victors. A veteran of the foreign resident life, Jim Caple explains why many adventurous travelers end up staying in the capital “One minute you’re visiting the last vestiges of royal China at the Imperial Palace, and next, you’re listening to recitations of Tang dynasty verse in a teahouse. It really is nice.” As we said, the country has a lot to offer.
  venturesome adj.好冒险的,(行为)冒险的
  venue n.(聚集,审判,比赛)地点,会场
  verbal adj.口头的,语言的
  verdant adj.青葱的,翠绿的
  verify vt.证明,证实
  versatile adj.多才多艺的,通用的,可塑的,可变形的
  verse n.诗,韵文
  version n.版本
  vertebrate n/adj.脊椎动物(的)
  vertical adj.垂直的,竖直的
  vessel n.船,脉管,容器
  vestige n.痕迹,遗迹,残余
  veteran n.老兵,老手
  veto n. 否决,否决权vt.否决,禁止
  viability n.生存能力,发育能力
  viable adj.可行的,切实可行的,能活下去的
  vibrant adj.活泼的,生气勃勃的
  vibrate v.颤动,震动
  vibration n.振动,颤动
  vicinity n.附近,接近
  victor n.胜利者,获胜者
  victorious adj.获胜的,胜利的
  vie v.竞争
  vigilance n.警戒,警惕,敏感
  vigilant adj.警觉的,警惕的,敏感的
