
1.The White House is welcoming the announcement from Afghanistan’s president that he has agreed to a run-off election next month. Investigators declared the elections to be riddled with fraud.

2.The timetable still calls for all US combat troops to be out of Iraq by next August. President Barack Obama reaffirmed that goal Monday during a meeting with Iraq’s visiting Prime Minister.

3.Police are looking for a Virginia Tech student who got separated from her friends at a Metallica concert Saturday and hasn’t been seen since. Twenty-year-old Morgan Harrington’s parents say they talk to her everyday and her disappearance is very out of character.

4.Indinapolis police say a gunman spent nearly ten minutes on his knees, praying with a clerk at a check cashing business before robbing her, fleeing with her cellphone and twenty dollars from the register. Security video shows the pair even hugged.
