
This is AP News Minute.

President Barack Obama is in Florida speaking in Jackson Building,the members of the military.The president remembered 14 Americans killed Monday in helicopter crashes in Afghanistan,saying they gave their lives to protect arms.

Famliy and friends of slain University of Connecticut football player Jasper Howard gathered in Miami for his funeral.Howard was fatally stabbed outside a dance in the school's campus just over a week ago.

FBI officials say they've rescued 52 children in the series of raids aimed at underage prostitution.60 pimps were arrested in various raids of the three-day's enforcement effort.The youngest child rescued was just ten.

Retired slugger Mark McGwire whose homerun record was tainted by steroid allegations is returing to baseball as a hitting coach under St. Louis Cardinals' manager Tony LabRussa.McGwire has been largely out of the public eyes since refusing to answer questions about steroid use during a 2005 congressional hearing.

I'm Matt Friedman,the Associated Press,with AP News Minute.
