CNN 2009-10-06(在线收听

Hello everyone I'm Catherine Callaway at the CNN Center at Atlanta with a look at what's happening now in the news.

At least 4,000 people in southern California have been ordered out of their homes because of a fast moving wildfire that is threatening a very popular resort town. A mandatory evacuation order remains effective this morning for the town of Wrightwood. US Forest Service officials are saying the so-called sheep fire has destroyed 3 homes there and it is now threatening hundreds more. They say it's about 20% contained. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared the state of emergency in St. Bernardino County and investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the fire.

In Pakistan, a suicide attacker detonated a 15 pound explosive bomb inside the World Food Program Office in Islamabad. Five United Nations employees were dead, several more were wounded. Pakistani authority said the bomber was dressed in a paramilitary uniform.

US forces in Afghanistan have suffered their worst losses in more than a year. At least 8 American troops were killed Saturday when hundreds of militants attacked their outpost in the Nuristan Province. The military says the attack was pushed back after a twelve-hour battle and the militants did suffer some heavy casualties.

Prosecutors are laying out their case today against a 19-year-old man form Jordan accused in an Dallas bomb plot. A probable cause hearing is being held for H.Smadi. Authorities say that he drove a truck he thought had a live bomb in it, packed it, parked in a garage under a 60-story office building. and dialed the cellphone intending to set off the blast. Smadi charges were attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.

Well, the mystery of autism deepens. The government study published in the General Pediatrics indicates that autism disorders maybe more common in previously thought. The new finding about 1 in 91 children affected. That's compared to the previous US estimate of 150. Federal officals say some of the increase maybe due to greater awareness and also broader definitions.

Those were the headlines. Stay with us here at CNN for more on these stories and other news of the day.
