高中英语牛津版高三下学期CHAPTER THREE(在线收听

[00:-2.00]by Meg Pan
[00:-3.00]If you need any help in planning your future,
[00:-4.00]call in at the Education and Careers Expo,
[00:-5.00]which opened at the City Convention and Exhibition Centre yesterday.
[00:-6.00]Expo gives you a unique opportunity to meet leading industrialists and educators.
[00:-7.00]This year,there are over 150 exhibitors,including businesses,
[00:-8.00]professions and government departments
[00:-9.00]In addition,there are representatives from over 100 educational institutions,
[00:10.00]including many from overseas.
[00:11.00]Don't miss out on this great chance to get some personal advice
[00:12.00]direct from the experts.
[00:13.00]2.I spoke to several young people at Expo,
[00:14.00]and they all agreed how useful it was to have so much expertise
[00:15.00]and information under one roof.
[00:16.00]3.Duncan Kelly intends to take a university course in design
[00:17.00]after he leaves school.
[00:18.00]Duncan,a Senior High Grade 3 student,said,
[00:19.00]'My mother has an art shop and designs her own products,
[00:20.00]and I think I take after her.'
[00:21.00]Duncan was collecting some of the free literature when I spoke to him.
[00:22.00]'I've picked up a lot of college prospectuses and so on,
[00:23.00]but I'm not in a hurry to make a choice at the moment.
[00:24.00]I want to get all the information before I make up my mind.'
[00:25.00]Barbara Watts is already at university,in the second year of a law degree.
[00:26.00]She's decided to keep on studying after she graduates.
[00:27.00]'I hope that I can go abroad to study,'said Barbara,
[00:28.00]'but I may not be able to afford it.
[00:29.00]I applied for several scholarships last year without any luck.
[00:30.00]I aim to keep on trying,however.'
[00:31.00]One feature of Expo is the careers seminars,
[00:32.00]at which expert speakers outline their respective fields.
[00:33.00]Barbara attended a seminar on international law.
[00:34.00]The speaker was really good at getting across his message,'said Barbara.
[00:35.00]'It was very helpful.'
[00:36.00]6.But Expo isn't just for people who are still in education.
[00:37.00]It also offers help to those in employment,
[00:38.00]and to people who are considering retraining or a change of career.
[00:39.00]7.Charles Li,21,left school after Junior High and went to work in a factory.
[00:40.00]'I wanted to help my family by earning a living,'Charles told me.
[00:41.00]'I took the first job I could find,without much thought.
[00:42.00]Initially,the salary looked good.
[00:43.00]But now I realize that I'm in a dead-end job.
[00:44.00]I wish I'd stayed at school longer.
[00:45.00]I'm looking at changing my career and perhaps studying to be an accountant,
[00:46.00]but this time I'm going to get plenty of information and advice
[00:47.00]I've no intention of making the same mistake twice.'
[00:48.00]8.One advantage of Expo
[00:49.00]is that you can meet many prospective employers face-to-face
[00:50.00]and talk to them frankly about your plans.
[00:51.00]As Charles told me,
[00:52.00]'Normally I wouldn't dare to go and talk to the manager of a company.
[00:53.00]But today I have talked to several managers It's easy to meet them here,
[00:54.00]in a relaxed environment.'
[00:55.00]9.The organizers expect over 200,000 young people to visit Expo,
[00:56.00]and there's no doubt that it's a bit of a squash.
[00:57.00]But the opportunities available here certainly make up for any discomfort.
[00:58.00]So,if you need any help with your future,come along to Expo.
[00:59.00]You don't need a ticket.
[-1:00.00]It's open today,Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
[-1:-1.00]and entry is free to all.
[-1:-2.00]INTEGRATED SKILLS Page 47
[-1:-3.00]Exam tasks  Task one
[-1:-4.00]you are going to hear three telephone calls between your character Diana Jordon,
[-1:-5.00]and other people.
[-1:-6.00]Listen and take brief notes of the main points of each conversation.
[-1:-7.00]SPEAKING Page 56
[-1:-8.00]A Saying and recognizing Wh-questions
[-1:-9.00]When you say or read questions which start with Wh-words,
[-1:10.00]remember to start on a high tone,
[-1:11.00]and then let your voice fall on the main stress,
[-1:12.00]which is usually near the end of the question.
[-1:13.00]When did you leave school?
[-1:14.00]Who is your favourite singer?
[-1:15.00]A1.1.How is your mother?
[-1:16.00]2.When is your birthday?
[-1:17.00]3.What did your surname?
[-1:18.00]4.Why did you say that?
[-1:19.00]5.Who is your best friend?
[-1:20.00]6.Where is it made?
[-1:21.00]7.How much did you pay for that?
[-1:22.00]8.Whose book is this?
[-1:23.00]In an interview,
[-1:24.00]it is sometimes difficult to recognize the first word of a Wh-question[-1:25.00]The words who/how and where/when sound very similar in fast speech
[-1:26.00]Remember that you can ask the interviewer to repeat the question.
[-1:27.00]Use a polite patten such as one of the following:
[-1:28.00]I beg your pardon?/I'm sorry,I didn't catch that question.
[-1:29.00]Could you say that again,please?
[-1:30.00]MORE LANGUAGE INPUT Page 61
[-1:31.00]A Reading
[-1:32.00]Have You Ever Thought about Volunteer Work?
[-1:33.00]Have you ever thought about volunteer work?
[-1:34.00]Have you ever participated in some?
[-1:35.00]Why would you want to devote your precious time
[-1:36.00]to a job that does not pay you anything?
[-1:37.00]Perhaps to say that 'volunteer work does not pay' is not completely true.
[-1:38.00]Although it does not compensate financially
[-1:39.00]volunteer work is actually a two-way street.
[-1:40.00]It offers you the opportunity to develop skills
[-1:41.00]and gain experiences that you may use later in a paying job.
[-1:42.00]It also helps you to test and develop your own personality,
[-1:43.00]because you are doing the work out of passion and desire
[-1:44.00]rather than simply to get material rewards.
[-1:45.00]Through this kind of work,
[-1:46.00]you are telling yourself that you are not only interested in your own future,
[-1:47.00]but also interested in the world as a whole.
[-1:48.00]Volunteer work gives you confidence and a sense of self.
[-1:49.00]You can see how you do and feel in certain risk-free situations,
[-1:50.00]and thus better figure out the kind of things or jobs that really interest you.
[-1:51.00]And of course,there is always the opportunity for you to make friends
[-1:52.00]with people of all ages and backgrounds.
[-1:53.00]Perhaps it is more appropriate to say that'volunteer work is a school'.
[-1:54.00]You pay for a time to learn.
[-1:55.00]Volunteer work is a memory you do not realize its true value until
[-1:56.00]until some day you look back on it
[-1:57.00]with a feeling of internal joy and satisfaction.
[-1:58.00]Page 62
[-1:59.00]B Listening
[-2:00.00]Your resume should be no longer than____.
[-2:-1.00]It is extremely important to prepare for___by preparing___as
[-2:-2.00]well as preparing___to questions you many be asked.
[-2:-3.00]When you receive a___ from someone,
[-2:-4.00]you should really___the card before putting it in your___or briefcase.
[-2:-5.00]You should always___or___your mobile phone and pager before going to an interview.
[-2:-6.00]Wearing a formal suit is always the___for succes in an interview
[-2:-7.00]When you are at a meeting,
[-2:-8.00]the best place to put your name tag is on your___or___area
[-2:-9.00]When you call a possible employer,
[-2:10.00]please use a___and___voice and always tell them first who you are and why___.