

  D: Hello Modern English, Andy speaking!


  A: Hello, Andy your voice sounds familiar…


  D: Just Joking Allan its Drew here, I was just playing around with you!


  A: You're a really funny guy (good looking too). I have some questions about drinks in the west.


  D: Ok. No problem I used to be a bartender I can help you out, what do you want to know?


  A: What do you call it when somebody orders liquor with nothing else except ice?别人点酒时什么都不放你们怎么说?

  D: We call that straight up. If they order it with ice we call that on the rocks. But if they get the liquor in a small glass and drink it down in one go, we call that a shot.

  我们称之为straight up.如果加冰的话,我们叫它on the rocks.但如果他们点上一小杯烈酒的话,我们叫它shot.

  A: Is there different names for beer when it comes in a glass instead of a bottle?


  D: Yes there is. We call beer in a glass draught beer. In North America we also get large jugs of beer that every pours their own beer from and we call those pitchers. There are many different types of beer, depending on what colour they are.我们叫它们draught beer.在北每,我们还点一大罐啤酒,每个人都可以自己倒,那个叫pitchers.啤酒有很多种,要看它们的颜色来定。

  A: Can you give me some examples?


  D: Of course, a beer like Guinness is a dark stout and a beer like Budweiser is a lager当然了,象Guinness这种酒是黑色的,口味很重,而Budweiser就更大了,A: It sounds very confusing!


  D: Don't worry let's go to the pub and I will explain it all to you!!别担心,咱们去酒吧,我来解释给你听。

  Attention Please…特别提醒


  [1]straight up,on the rock ,shot都是国外点酒时的说法,straight up表示什么都不加,on the rock就是要加点冰块。,shot.则表示来杯烈酒,那么要是老外要与你干杯的话,他们会说would you like a shot?

  [2]draught beer是我们通常说的扎啤。在加拿大,人们买酒时会有半打或是一打,与我们一瓶瓶的买不一样。

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