
1.A key test vote on health care reform is set over the Senate tomorrow night, democrats need all 60 votes in their contents to prevent a filibuster. Majority leader Harry Reid says he had no promises about the check.

2.AOL says it plans to lay off about a third of its workforce, that’s about 2,500 jobs. The online company is asking for volunteers for buyouts. After these cuts, AOL will have a workforce less than 1/4 of its size at the peak in 2004.

3.Oprah Winfrey will announce today that her talk show will end in 2011 after its 25th season on the air. Winfrey started her broadcasting career in Nashville before relocating to Chicago in 1984. She's got to focus on her new cable network and it’s likely expected to host a new show there.

4.Severe flood warning just dealt in place in parts of northern England after torrential rains led to rising flood waters. Briton’s Air Force had rescued hundreds of people because of the floods. Hundreds of properties have been
