CNN 2009-12-31(在线收听

Rannoff, it's a great story, something that I really haven’t thought about before. I guess just because I haven’t seen it personally while sitting on an airplane. But I imagine they must be most worried about the people who are transferring them from their wheelchairs as you said, you know, into a smaller one and eventually into a seat. What’s the training life for the people who end up having to do that maneuver if you will? 

-Well, what’s funny is that when you look at it as an outsider, and you see it seems to get a very simplistic thing, you know, I mean simplistic on an airplane, you seeing so many of this, millions Americans, many through their tuning in take it for granted, but again as I mentioned that piece, it is the small little details that become even more daunting when you are going through something like that, going through security, going through the gates and handing on your ID, I mean all that just become so more difficult. And you know there is a compulsion for a lot of people when you go through debilitating condition like this, it’s just shut yourself away from the rest of world, but I mean this is really truly part of the healing process, became whole once again. Consys Kate, the lady who we build the peace around of, you know, she was always a traveler before this and this is part of regaining some of that freedom, kind of restoring… It’s good for her soul, it’s really part of rebuilding who she once was, but she’s doing very well.

-Yeah, let it go of some that trust to be transported like that. It’s got to be difficult
-It’s deeply a personal thing. I mean, come on, there, some of us don't like to, you know, you don’t like this one handling some your stuff. We’ll guess what, during this time of the year and you've got a lot of sicknesses and that kind of thing you might be a little paranoid about that kind of stuff but for them, you have to make that transfer getting from their chair onto that center version to actually get on a plane themselves. So, it is kind of an intimidating thing so at the very least. So I don’t just say they have to make in their lives to get back to who they used to be.

-Mobility and independence, though.
-Out of question. 
- great to go.
-All right, Ranoff we do appreciate the story, thank you.
-You bet。
