2009-03-01&03 Jimmy Kimmel大营救幕后花絮(在线收听

If you watched the Oscar Night without speeding through the commercials, you may have noticed that a promo for our show starring me and the actor Tom Cruise. Aired was me saving Tom from burning house. We shot the promo the other night and thought it might be fun to show you just how we did it. So join us now as we go behind the scenes at the making of what we in the television industry call a promo.

Tom will be here at any minute. It is gonna be some hand-holding in this, because, you know, he is not... he's used to doing, doing movies. I mean, this is a promo. So, I'll do what I can to get him through it.

Now you know Jimmy just kept calling and calling, begging his manager and producer and lawyers.

When I got the call saying that Tommy wanted to do something with me, you know, I had two questions, what time and where and when.

He kept saying he had two questions which were actually three. But I guess it was more like two because he was pretty redundant.

Well, I’ve never been in an action movie. I’ve never "acted".

I’ve been fortunate because I have worked with so many great actors in my career. This is a nice change.

Jimmy, it’s a big night for you. You’re Tom Cruise fan...

Yeah, of course, yeah.

Thanks man.


Interview with the Vampire, Born on the Fourth of July, Top Gun, You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'.

I dig your stuff too, you know.

Yeah, you do?


Like what? I don’t wanna, you know, I know but like what stuff of mine have you liked?

You know, the stuff for you talking, you know, that with the guy, you know, Top Ten Lists. That’s hilarious and Jay Walking. I love that stuff. It’s great, man. Let’s go.

Three, two, go.

Wow, I was great. I was really good. You see that?

Where is Kimmel? Why are we always waiting on Kimmel?


Jimmy Kimmel. You saved my life.

Yes, I did.

Go in to save my cat.

Cat? (I need my cat.) Ok, Ok. Should I go in this house?

Well, I was, I thought I was really good. Tom'll get it, get it.

Get caring me.

Please, save my cat. I’ll do your show. But please, save my cat.(Lovely, lovely)

I feel like he would kill Hitler now. Yeah, exactly.

You guys had fun on set?

Yea, Jimmy, he is a big kid.(Oh, me? How about this guy?) He’s always pranking.(I’m always pranking?) Always.

You see that?

He is looking at him.

 No. but earlier.

He is burning my tie to make it look like my tie went on fire. Billy, isn't that awesome? Ah…

That’s all right. That’s a good time. We are having fun to do.

Yea, sometimes we had a lot of fun.

Yea, this is great.

 Last one.

Save my cat.

Done.(three, two)


This has been the Behind the Scenes of Jimmy Kimmel Live Thirty Second Promo for the Academy Awards, promoting the Jimmy Kimmel Live after the Academy Awards promo.

Do you leave anything for me to say?

They told me to say that...

That one, I figure, it split up.

They said that I should do the whole thing.(Who did?) They did. (Who’s they?) Them.

Who told him that?

Jimmy Kimmel. You saved my life.

That’s right.

And here now in case you missed it earlier, the fruits of our labor, the product of our blood, sweat and tears, our baby, the promo.

Jimmy Kimmel, man, you saved my life.

I did and I want you to know that I would never set your house on fire intentionally and just so you'd owed me and have to do my show.

That never crossed my mind.

Good, cause not the case here.

You set my house on fire? OK, look, I’ll do you show. But please, please save my cat.


I don’t have a cat.

Jimmy Kimmel Live Late Nights on ABC.

Thanks coming. We’ll be right back with Robin Thicke.
