访谈录 2009-03-06&09 Rob Lowe 在 Buzz Hunters(在线收听

Marshall: We got an exclusive with Rob Lowe, revealing family dirt and big changes on Brothers and Sisters.

Janet: Yeah, guys, here he is, come on, let's go.

Janet: Hey, Mr. Lowe, how is it going?

Rob Lowe: Hey, sorry, I'm a little distracted, I'm trying to download an episode of Lost.

Janet: Oh, nice, you're Lost fan?

Rob Lowe: Oh, I love it, oh see this. I love this, I love this one. He runs around without a shirt and there's never any sunscreen.

Janet: Would you mind joining us for an interview?

Rob Lowe: Um, sure. Um, where would we do it? Wow, you guys are good.

Janet: Rob Lowe, thank you so much for joining us on Buzz Hunters.

Rob Lowe: My pleasure.

Janet: So there is a special two-hour television event coming up for Brothers and Sisters?

Rob Lowe: There is. We're really excited about it. There's a lot packed into the 2 hours, particularly with my character Senator McCallister. He's announcing his run for governor. He's expecting the birth of the baby, and then in an instant, something is gonna happen. It's gonna change everyone's lives forever.

"If you're not ready to have your heart broken, then you're not ready to be a parent.”

Janet: Well, Robert and Kitty's marriage seems a little bit on the rocks.

"I didn't want to tell you this until I was absolutely sure, but..." "Oh gosh, Oh god, Robert." "No, just let me explain before you get upset." "You are running for governor?" "Yes."

Janet: Is there anything that Robert is gonna do about that?

Rob Lowe: From Robert's perspective, he's the same guy he always was. The things that she fell in love with, maybe she's not so in love with any more. They are at a big crossroads. "So much for unconditional love.”

Rob Lowe: You are, you're the Buzz Hunters.

Janet: We are.

Rob Lowe: I'm looking... Is there any coffee here? Cuz I'm looking for a buzz.

Janet: Yeah. We will supply it.

Rob Lowe: Very good.

Janet: So has there been a storyline that's affected you personally?

Rob Lowe: Without revealing too much, there's a scene where I wanna withhold something from my children, and Kitty says, you know, they know something is going on, they are not stupid. You have to talk to them; you have to bring them in. And McCallister finally sort of confesses some stuff that's been going on that he really didn't want them to know about.

Janet: Brothers and Sisters has run for three seasons now, what do you think is the secret to its success?

Rob Lowe: I think people fell in love with the characters. It's funny, it's sexy, it's dramatic, and it reminds people of the complications and joys and beauty of family.

Rob Lowe: Everybody says the Walkers are crazy. "They are crazier than my family.” "They are not as crazy as my family, you should see my family.” You know, I like that a lot. "Just tell me what it's like to have a great job and a gorgeous husband and a ranch in Santa Barbara. Don't leave any details out." "Ok, if you promise to tell me what it's like to have two beautiful kids?” "oh, gosh, I wouldn't know."

Janet: What about your character, are there any questions that people ask you over and over about?

Rob Lowe: Yes, they ask why Senator McCallister is running for president. People love this family, they wanna know if Calista's (Kitty的扮演者) on board, Kitty's on board. They wanna know like they are friends, like they know these people. And that's very different from other shows I've been on.

Janet: So what do you think is it about the Walker family that people respond to?

Rob Lowe: Part of it I think people discovered the show, it wasn't jammed down their throats, it wasn't gonna be the next great thing. The audience found it, and that means a big, it's a big deal for people in today's world. They just like the show belongs to them. And I think that's one of the reasons why they are so passionate about it.

Janet: That's an amazing cast. You have young up-and-comers, you have seasoned actors, you have a legend Sally Field.

Rob Lowe: For someone who's done and achieved what she's achieved, she loves the show more than life. And it's an inspiration to everybody. "God, I can't even think about that right now.”

Rob Lowe: Calista is a great comic foil, and has amazing timing, she's really my partner.

Janet: You have played a couple of politicians on the show, on the West Wing, would you ever consider running for this?

Rob Lowe: I don't think it'd be really have to be, to be totally honest.

Rob Lowe: I'm interested in that. I have friends who are in this world (政界?), I'm fascinated with the mechanizations (想说的是machination), the horse-trading, you know, that goes along and being able to make a difference, and so I, you know, may be able to sort of access my own interest to make it interesting hopefully for everybody else.

Janet: We are absolutely interested. Thank you so much for joining us, we really appreciate it.

Janet: Make sure that you tune in March 1st for the Brothers and Sisters special, two-hour television event, at a special time 9/8c.

Janet: Rob Lowe, thank you so much for joining us here on Buzz Hunters.

Rob Lowe: Thank you very much. Great. Good luck with this, this whole thing, you guys are just really, really cool. Security!
