流行美语 第 63 课(在线收听

定先去看看Michael 在干什么。今天,李华会学到两个常用语:dumb blonde 和

M: Hey, Li Hua. What brings you here?
L: 没事。刚写完明天要交的报告,想休息一下。哎,你在看电视剧Friends 呀?
我看过,我很喜欢Pheobe. 就是那个金发女孩,她真滑稽。
M: Yeah, she's a real dumb blonde.
L: 你叫她dumb blonde? 什么意思呀?Dumb 不是指一个人很笨吗?blonde 是金
M: You're right. Dumb blonde. We often joke that blonde women are usually pretty but
not very intelligent.
L: 噢,原来你们老把金发女郎说成是很漂亮,可是却很笨。象Pheobe 也一样,
很漂亮,但是老说傻话,也是个dumb blonde。可是,说人家笨不是很不礼貌吗?
M: Yes, that's why we would never say this to someone's face. It's usually only used as
a joke behind people's backs.
L: 原来这是作为笑话来讲的,绝对不能当着一个金发女郎的面说dumb blonde.
M: No, we often used the term as a joke. Most of the jokes about dumb blondes are not
L: 我想也是,有金发的人不见得就是比别人笨。Michael, 你给我讲一个关于dumb
blonde 的笑话吧!
M: OK. A crying blonde asked a policeman for help to find her lost dog. The policeman
suggested that she put an ad in the paper. The blonde responds: "I can't, because my
dog can't read." Li Hua, do you understand the joke?
L: 听懂了。一个金发女郎的狗丢了。她一面哭一面要一个警察帮她把狗找回来。
Michael, 我才不信有这么笨的人。
* *****
L: Michael, 那天我们上历史课的时候,那个女学生问教授谁是美国的第一任总
M: Well, you can call her a bimbo. Bimbo is a very dumb woman, not necessarily a
L: 你的意思是,bimbo 可以指笨的女人,不管她是不是金发女郎。
M: That's right. Remember last week in class, a girl asked who won World War II, the
Germans or the Japanese? What a silly question, she's a real bimbo.
L: 对,我记得!她问第二次大战是德国人胜还是日本人胜,提得出这样问题的人
M: Yeah, it's scary that an American did not even know who our first president was or
who won World War II. But it's still not nice to call her bimbo, though.
L: 我知道,虽然提这样的问题很傻,不过也不能当她们的面叫她们bimbo. 这样
M: I know you wouldn't. Just want to warn you.
L: 哟,Michael, 我和一个朋友约好在中国城见面的,我得去搭地铁了。我要来不
M: To Chinatown? Two blocks away!You can walk there in 5 minutes, why do you
want to take subway? You're such a bimbo!
L: 噢,再过两条街就是中国城?我还以为要坐地铁呢!嗨,Michael,我路不熟
这也算bimbo 呀!你真没礼貌!我走了!
M: Sorry, bye!

今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:dumb blonde, 这是用来笑话那些金发女郎,
看起来很漂亮,但是脑子很笨。另一个是:bimbo。Bimbo 是指笨的女人,不管是
