捷进英语 lesson 44(在线收听

HEATHER:Mr.Hobart,please feel free to elaborate on anything you like.

I want this interview to feel like a conversation.

RICHARD:I'll do my best.

HEATHER:Heather Vialo,WBNN,reporting from Richard Hobart's office.

Thursday,October 12th.

Richard Hobart,you're a highly respected and very popular attorney for the State.

RICHARD:Thank you.

HEATHER:Isn't that extremely unusual for a public employee?

RICHARD:I don't know.There are competent civil servants,who do a good job.

We don't hear very much about them in the media though.It's too bad.

HEATHER:Sometimes the media discover a white knight.Is that how you feel?

RICHARD:No.I feel that people greatly appreciate

when their concerns have been addressed.

HEATHER:Are you going to run for public office?

RICHARD:I'm not running anywhere at the moment.

HEATHER:All right.Are you considering entering a race?

RICHARD:I consider any good opportunity that comes across my desk.Don't you?

HEATHER:I certainly do.

HEATHER:Who do you think your opponent will be?

RICHARD:Have I said,"No comment"yet?

HEATHER:Not in so many words.But you're good.

It's very difficult to get answers to some of my questions.

RICHARD:What can I say?

HEATHER:"No comment,"evidently!

YVONNE:I am exhausted.Are you?

NANCY:We have been working almost three weeks without a break.We deserve a day off.

YVONNE:A day off?Honey,we don't have time for a nap.

NANCY:Do you want another cup of coffee?

YVONNE:No thanks.I've been drinking so much,it's losing its effect.

NANCY:You know what?Forget the coffee.

Forget the nap.We need to get our blood moving.

NANCY:Come on,take deep breaths.Do you remember when I quit drinking coffee?

YVONNE:Yes.You were a monster.

NANCY:Hey,I'd been drinking six cups a day when I quit.

Then,when I had quit for...oh...eight months,I started drinking it again.

And those first cups...wonderful.It was almost worth quitting.

YVONNE:Please don't do it again.I can't take your withdrawal symptoms.

NANCY:Let's try a little yoga.

YVONNE:Oh god.What if we can't get out of these positions?

NANCY:Take nice,deep breaths.

YVONNE:I can just hear it on the news:"

"Two Cambridge women had frozen in yoga positions,

when their husbands found them tonight."

NANCY:Deep,cleansing breaths.

YVONNE:"Doctors at Boston Hospital have been trying to unknot them for six hours."

NANCY:Feel your energy.

YVONNE:Feel my energy?Nancy,I can't feel my legs!
