英文原版对话1000个:904 Speak English?(在线收听

Brian: Hey Fanny.

Fanny: Hey, Brian.

Brian: How's it going?

Fanny: Not bad.

Brian: Alright, so we're asking each other questions about our countries, and last question that I asked was, "when was a good time to visit?" but I have another question for you, if you don't mind.

Fanny: Yeah, sure go ahead.

Brian: As you might have noticed, I'm not Chinese, and I don't speak any Chinese.

Fanny: OK.

Brian: Is it going to be hard for someone who only speaks English to travel in your country?

Fanny: Yeah, that's a good question. You know, I mean, if you go to China and now if you cannot speak Chinese, of course it will be a little bit difficult for you because you know there will be the 2008 Olympic games, in Beijing right, in 2008 so there are a lot of Chinese people who can speak English right there, so I think they can help you.

Brian: See, I don't know if I would be going during the Olympic Games because, like, maybe it's really crowded and really kind of busy. I'm thinking to go in... maybe before that when it may be a bit quieter.

Fanny: Hmmm ... sorry. I think maybe I made you confused, I mean because people are getting ready for the Olympic Games,so people are just, you know, learn English to communicate with foreigners to help them and to guide them ... so I mean, what I meant, you can find a lot of people who can speak English there.

Brian: Oh, so because of the games many people are learning English ... but I could still ... even if I didn't go during that time, English people are still around.

Fanny: Right, right exactly. If you go to the shops most people there can already speak English, Japanese or Korean.

Brian: Oh really?

Fanny: Yeah, so ...

Brian: Very talented people in your country.

Fanny: Yeah, we can say that.
