
C: hey Jayden, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
J: that depends. What is it?
C: it's kind of a big favor. I'm absolutely flat broke, and I owe my landlady $200. she's given me until Friday to give it to her, but I don't get paid until next Monday. Do you think you could loan me some cash until I get paid?
J: I'd love to help you out, but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well. I had to get a new engine put into my car, and that ate up my savings.
C: if you can't give me the full amount, a fraction of it would still help. I'll pay you back on Monday. I promise.
J: let's see, I've got about $50 to get me through the weekend. I can only spare about $20. I would give you more if I had it, I just don't have much money to my name right now.
C: thanks a lot Jayden. Every little bit will help. Tell you what, if you aren't doing anything tonight, why don't you come over and have dinner at my place.
J: that'd be great. Thanks! What time should I come over?
C: how about at 6 pm?
J: see you then!

Afford  付得起,有能力做
Debt  债务
Profit  利润
Risky  有风险的
Well-paid  薪水丰富的
Inflation  通货膨胀
Stock market  股市
Loan  贷款
Greedy  贪婪的
Luxury  奢侈品
Capital  资本
Poverty  贫穷
