欢乐美语:The Spirit of the West 西部风情(在线收听

  Today on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., we’re in Denver, Colorado near the great Rocky Mountains. Robbie and Grandpa have come to join Richard for a few days. Tonight, Richard will sleep at a campground, but Robbie and Grandpa are going to say in a motel. Robbie isn’t too happy about that, but then he looks out the window and feels the spirit of the Old West.
  Richard: Here we are. Room two oh two.
  Grandpa: Well, this isn’t too bad. A motel room for twenty-five dollars. Good enough for a couple of cowboys just off the jet. Right, Robbie?
  Ro: Sure. I guess.
  Ri: Hey, what’s the matter?
  Ro: Well, you know, I came out West, and I was expecting, well, I don’t know- more adventure. Not a motel with a swimming pool.
  Ri: Hey, don’t worry about it, little brother. Tomorrow we’ll have an adventure. We’ll go for a drive in the mountains.
  Ro: Now, that sounds exciting.
  Ri: Listen, I’ve got to get back to the campground.
  Gr: Are you sure you can’t stay here with us in the motel?
  Ri: I’d like to, but I want to get some pictures of the mountains.
  Ro: Ok.
  Ri: See you tomorrow. [He leaves.]
  Grandpa: No, sir. We can’t complain about this room. We’ve got a window with a view of the mountains. We even have a radio. [He turns on the radio.]
  Ro: At least the music is western.
  Gr: It smells like the West, too. [He sniffs.] I think I smell cows.
  Ro: Hey, look out there! On the other side of the highway!
  Gr: Open the window.
  Ro: [He Opens the window.] Look at all the cows over there!
  Gr: [He sniffs deeply.] Ah! [He laughs.] The cowboys probably smelled that same smell a hundred years ago.
  Ro: Those must be the Denver stockyards. Cattlemen bring cattle from all over the state to sell there.
  Gr: So now it looks like the Old West, smells like the Old West, sounds like the Old West-
  Ro: Hey, Grandpa, can you see that sign outside? It says, “Cattle auction Saturday. Open to the public.”
  Gr: Great! Ha! If you want to see the West, a cattle auction’s a perfect place. All those animals for sale: cows and horses. And there are cowboys, pickup trucks…
  Ro: I don’t know exactly why [closing the window], but all of a sudden I have a real hunger for a big, thick, beefsteak.
  Gr: [He laughs.] In that case, how about a big, thick steak for dinner?
  Ro: With a little barbecue sauce?
  Gr: With barbecue sauce and corn bread on the side. Wha-hoo! Now it even tastes like the Old West! Come on, cowboy. Let’s eat!
  This time on Tuning in the U.S.A., we join Robbie and Grandpa at a cattle auction in Denver, Colorado. Ranchers’ from all over the state are buying and selling farm animals. The Stewarts meet Marianne, a young farmer. She hopes to sell her cow. At the auction, Richard, Robbie, and Grandpa talk about buying the girl’s cow. But are they serious or only joking?
  Act II
  Grandpa: Excuse me, young lady. When does the cattle auction begin?
  Marianne: It should start in about fifteen minutes.
  Gr: Thank you.
  Ro: Well, Grandpa, I’d say there are too many cows, and there’s too little time.
  Grandpa: [He laughs.] I think you’re right, Robbie. We’re not going to find the most beautiful cow in just fifteen minutes.
  Mr: Pardon me. I can show you my cow.
  Ro: You have your very own cow?
  Ma: Sure. My name is Marianne. I belong to the Young Farmers’ Club at my high shool. All the members raise farm animals to sell. My cow won the club prize.
  Gr: That’s wonderful. Is that her right there?
  Ma: Yup. Her name is Rosebud. [joking] Hey, Rosebud, say “hi” to these people. [The cow moos.]
  Gr: That sure is fine animal.
  Ma: I hope a nice family buys her.
  An: [She speaks into a microphone.] Cattle lot number, please proceed to the main gate.
  Ma: They’re calling me. I’ve got to get to the main gate. It was nice talking to you.
  Gr: It was nice talking to you, too. And that you for introducing us to Rosebud.
  Ma: You’re welcome. Wish me luck.
  Gr: Good luck! [She leaves.]
  Ro: [joking] Hey, Grandpa, we’re a nice family. Maybe we should buy Rosebud.
  Grandpa: [He laughs.] And take her back to Riverdale? Maybe we should go find Richard and find our seats. [They find Richard.]
  Ro: Richard, what’s going on? I can’t understand that man. What is he saying? It doesn’t even sound like English.
  Ri: Oh, it’s English all right. But all auctioneers speak that way. [He points to someone.] There! See? That man over there just bought that bull.
  Ro: But I didn’t hear him say anything.
  Gr: [He laughs.] He doesn’t have to say a word. He just raises his hand, and the auctioneer sees him. Now watch the man with the sunglasses. Watch carefully as he tries to buy the cow.
  Ro: Oh, I see it now. He lifts his arm just a little bit. Like this. [He lifts his arm.]
  Ri: Hey, be careful, Robbie! Put your arm down! You almost bought that cow!
  Ro: That’s Rosebud!
  Ri: Rosebud? Who’s Rosebud?
  Ro: That’s Marianne’s cow. Grandpa and I joked about buying her.
  Ri: [He laughs.] It’s good that you didn’t. I don’t think Mom would like a cow for a souvenir of your trip out West! [They all laugh]
