
[00:07.39]Fang Qun has just met Dean,who is Canadian.
[00:12.36]Where are you from?
[00:15.20]I'm from Canada.
[00:18.16]Really?I thought you were from the States.
[00:22.73]That's not surprising.
[00:26.07]A lot of people can't tell the difference between an American accent
[00:31.74]and a Canadian accent.
[00:34.98]Are there many differences?
[00:38.53]No,just a few.
[00:42.19]For example,most Canadians say "news",but Americans say "news".
[00:49.24]We mainly use American words,but we use quite a lot of British words too.
[00:55.77]We fill our cars with "gas",which is American,
[01:00.63]but we turn on the "tap" which is British English.
[01:06.09]Oh!And do you use American or British spelling?
[01:11.55]Both!American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.
[01:17.43]Generally speaking,newspapers follow the American way,
[01:22.78]but conference reports and school-books use British spelling.
[01:27.93]That sounds strange.
[01:32.19]You mean it looks strange!
[01:35.66]I'll tell you something that does sound strange.
[01:40.10]Many people think that Canadians all over the country speak the same way.
[01:46.48]But if you go to the eastern provinces,or go to some country areas,
[01:52.72]you'll notice that the people there speak quite differently from the rest of Canada.
[01:58.96]Unit 7 Lesson 26  2 Reading comprehension
[02:12.41]CANADA (1)
[02:16.96]Canada is the second largest country in the world.
[02:21.71]It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth.
[02:29.29]The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres
[02:35.04]and the country covers six of the world's 24 time areas.
[02:40.21]The population of Canada is about 29 million and the capital is Ottawa.
[02:47.05]There are two official languages,French and English.
[02:51.91]The first travellers arrived from England in 1497.
[02:57.06]Settlers from France reached Canada in 1534.
[03:02.10]For two centuries English and French settlers struggled against each other
[03:07.06]to control the country.
[03:10.22]Today,one province of Canada is French-speaking.
[03:14.90]The TV and radio programmes there are in French.
[03:20.54]There are French restaurants,and all the teaching in schools is done in French.
[03:26.60]As in China,the weather is different from area to area.
[03:31.77]In the north,the winters are long and hard,with snow for six months of the year.
[03:39.04]The temperatures can fall to - 60 DC that is 60 DC below freezing.
[03:47.58]In the capital,Ottawa,the average of winter temperature is -10 DC,and in summer 21 DC.The west coast of Canada is the warmest place in winter.
[03:54.95]and in summer 21 DC.
[03:59.20]The west coast of Canada is the warmest place in winter.
[04:04.24]The average January temperature is 3 DC,and in July it is 18 DC.
[04:12.50]Plants grow well all the year
[04:16.65]round and the parks and gardens are famous for their flowers.
[04:23.60]Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water.
[04:28.77]There are five great lakes in the south,
[04:32.43]and there are many others,especially in the north.
[04:37.58]Most of the electricity is produced by water.
[04:42.54]The country has a great deal of coal,oil and natural gas,
[04:48.39]and these are all exploited for energy.
[04:52.65]Much of the country is covered by forests,
[04:56.49]and wood is cut and sold all over the world.
[05:00.85]Canada is also the world's biggest producer
[05:05.40]of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers.
[05:10.26]Fishing is also very important for Canadians.
[05:14.62]Fish from the east and west coasts is sold to many other countries.
[05:20.68]Lesson 27  1 Reading comprehension
[05:31.76]CANADA (2)
[05:35.10]North American Indians have lived in southern Canada for over 20,000 years.
[05:41.94]In the early days,some lived in tents,
[05:46.67]moved from place to place and hunted wild animals.
[05:52.13]Others remained in one place and started farms of their own

[05:58.09]Today many of them live in special areas
[06:03.36]where they can continue their way of life.
[06:07.20]The people of northern Canada are called Inuit,
[06:12.06]who came from Asia and settled in Canada about 4,000 years ago.
[06:18.44]They used to travel around from place to place
[06:23.29]with teams of dogs which pulled their baggage.
[06:28.02]In summer they hunted a type of deer
[06:32.57]and in winter built small round houses with blocks of snow.
[06:38.45]They lived on fish and meat and used to make holes in the ice
[06:44.38]and catch fish and seals.
[06:48.14]They made clothes and shoes from furs and from skins of seals.
[06:54.48]They made use of animal bones,which they carved into basic tools.
[07:00.65]There are about 25,000 Inuit in all.
[07:05.51]They live in settlements.
[07:09.48]The government has started a new school project
[07:14.13]in which Inuit teach their own young children.
[07:18.67]School children visit Inuit villages
[07:23.04]and have classes where they learn how to fish how to carve bones
[07:28.99]and how to make clothes.
[07:32.55]So,it is hoped that the way of Inuit life
[07:36.91]will be kept alive for many more centuries.
[07:41.58]Words and expressions Unit  7
[07:46.23]Dean                 accent               tap                  generally speaking
[07:50.06]迪安                 n.口音,音调          n.水龙头             一般来说
[07:53.89]eastern              notice               differently          Ottawa
[07:57.17]adj.东方的;东部的    vt.&n.注意:认识      adv.不同地           n.渥太华
[08:00.44]official             official language    settle               settler
[08:04.27]adj.官方的;正式的    官方语言             vi.安家              n.移居者
[08:08.10]struggle             struggle against     minus                C=centigrade
[08:12.37]vi.斗争              同…斗争             adj.负的             摄氏温度计的
[08:16.64]freeze(froze,frozen) freezing             average              all the year round
[08:21.86]v.结冻               n.冰点               adj.平均的           一年到头
[08:27.09]be famous for        deal                 a great deal of      natural
[08:31.36]因……著名           n.量,数额            很多                 adj.自然的

[08:35.63]natural gas          exploit              ordinary             make use of
[08:39.46]天然气               vt.开发              adj.普通的           利用
[08:43.28]refer                refer to             tent                 hunt
[08:46.92]vi.谈到              谈到,提到            n.帐篷               vt.追猎
[08:50.55]Inuit                race                 baggage              block
[08:54.18]n.因努伊特人         n.种族,民族          n.(美)行李           n.大块
[08:57.81]seal                 fur                  skin                 basic
[09:01.74]n.海豹               n.皮,皮毛            n.皮肤               adj.基本的
[09:05.67]tool                 settlement           clear up             from time to time
[09:09.45]n.工具,器具          n.住宅区             整理收拾             有时
