
[00:08.70]Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accident.
[00:15.26]Look!That girl has fallen off her bicycle.
[00:20.40]A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle.
[00:25.36]Come and help!I think she must be injured.
[00:29.94]She's not moving.But she's breathing.
[00:34.30]I think she hit her head when she fell.
[00:38.27]We must carry her to the side of the road.
[00:42.32]No!Leave her where she is.
[00:46.47]You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.We must get help.
[00:52.35]I'll go to that shop and see if they have a telephone.
[00:56.89]Yes,do that.I'll stay here with the girl.(Chen Wei returns a few moments later.)
[01:05.23]How is she?She's beginning to move a little.
[01:09.69]What happened to me?
[01:12.75]Take it easy!I've just called the First Aid Centre.
[01:17.79]We'll stay here with you until help comes.
[01:22.16]Where does it hurt?
[01:25.03]My knee hurts,my foot hurts and my head too.
[01:30.07]Don't try to get up.You shouldn't get up if you're badly hurt.
[01:35.24]I ought to go home.I have to cook supper for my grandmother.
[01:40.88]Right now you need to stay still until help comes.
[01:46.84]Lesson 30    2 Reading comprehension
[01:57.89]FIRST AID
[02:00.63]First aid is the science of giving medical care to a person
[02:05.99]before a doctor can be found.
[02:09.54]Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid;
[02:14.30]you don't have to be a doctor.
[02:17.53]First aid,if it is quickly and correctly given,can save a person's life.
[02:23.70]There are three important things to do if someone has had an accident.
[02:29.26]1.Check that the person can breathe.
[02:33.84]Open the mouth and make sure that there is no food at the back of the mouth.
[02:39.58]2.If the person is not breathing,you must try to start his/her breathing at once.
[02:46.74]If this is not done within five minutes,the person will die.
[02:52.02]The best thing is to use the mouth-to-mouth way.
[02:56.77]Lay the person on his/her back,
[03:00.72]close his/her nose with your fingers and breathe into his/her mouth.
[03:07.48]Repeat this as often as is necessary.
[03:12.21]3.If the person is bleeding badly,you must try to stop the bleeding.
[03:19.16]If a person loses one third of his/her blood,he/she may die.
[03:26.00]Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.
[03:31.17]If it is possible,hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.
[03:36.92]Many common injuries happen every day in the home.
[03:41.65]All parents should know some first aid.
[03:45.80]Children can often get ill suddenly and they also have a lot of accidents.
[03:51.97]Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries:
[03:56.64]1.Animal bites.If you are bitten by an animal,
[04:02.52]wash the wound under cold running water.
[04:06.78]Then see a doctor as soon as possible.
[04:10.93]2.Burns.Cool the area of skin at once.
[04:17.10]Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes.
[04:22.14]Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn.
[04:26.71]See a doctor if a child has been burned
[04:30.97]or if more than 10% of the body has been burned.
[04:35.41]3.Cuts.For a simple cut,it is only necessary to wash the area of the cut,
[04:43.35]dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.
[04:48.71]This passage does not contain enough information
[04:53.46]for you to do first aid correctly!
[04:57.12]You have to study with a teacher.
[05:00.59]However,after a few hours of study
[05:05.14]you will manage to know enough to save other people's lives.
[05:10.00]If everyone in the country knew first aid,many lives would be saved.
[05:16.19]3 Reading comprehension
[05:20.44]Read the notice "Safety in the home".
[05:24.81]Then find pictures that go with the pieces of advice.
[05:32.90]Certain things in the home can be dangerous,especially if you have young children

[05:41.92]Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can't touch them
[05:50.62]Put guards round fires.
[05:54.25]GAS FIRES.
[05:57.28]If you are using one of these,check that a window is open.
[06:04.88]If a pan of oil catches fire,turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.
[06:14.18]Don't pour poisons into other containers,for example empty bottles.
[06:20.94]Keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.
[06:28.55]Don't use them on a wet floor.
[06:32.20]Get someone to hold the ladder for you.
[06:36.36]Don't reach sideways while standing on a ladder.
[06:40.93]Get down first and move the ladder.
[06:47.61]Make sure that young children cannot get close to pools,
[06:52.76]lakes and rivers by themselves.
[06:56.73]THINGS IN MOUTH.
[06:59.58]Don't leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth.
[07:05.77]Words and expressions Unit 8
[07:11.02]aid                  first aid            injure               injured
[07:14.70]n.帮助               急救                 vt.伤害损伤          adj.受伤的
[07:18.39]breathe              take it easy         knee                 ought
[07:21.91]vi.呼吸              放心好了             n.膝盖               应该
[07:25.44]ought to             still                medical care         bleed (bled,bled)
[07:31.17]应该                 adj.不动的,平静的    医疗护理             vi.出血
[07:36.91]bite (bit,bitten)    mouth-to-mouth       within               lay (laid,laid)
[07:43.84]vt.咬,叮             口对口的             prep.在……里面      vt.放,搁
[07:50.78]handkerchief         hold up              deal (dealt,dealt)   deal with
[07:56.16]n.手帕               抬起,阻碍            应付                 处理,对付
[08:01.54]injury               wound                running water        burn
[08:05.63]n.受伤处,伤害        n.创伤伤口           自来水               n.烧伤
[08:09.72]cut                  safety               electric             wire

[08:13.24]伤口                 n.安全               adj.用电的,电的      n.电线
[08:16.77]guard                poison               container            out of one's reach
[08:20.94]n.防护装置           n.毒药               n.容器               够不着
[08:25.10]sideways             pool                 firm                 firmly
[08:28.79]adv.向侧面           n.水塘               adj.牢固的,坚定的    adv.牢牢的
[08:32.47]by mistake           throw up             quantity             pay attention to
[08:36.30]由于疏忽所致         吐出,呕吐            n.数量               注意留心
[08:40.12]wherever             nearby               stomach              in a short while
[08:44.06]adv.无论在那里       adj.附近的           n.胃                 不久
