
[00:04.60]Lesson 57 2 Reading comprehension
[00:07.98]第五十七课 2阅读理解
[00:11.36]Read the text fast to find answers to these questions.
[00:16.72]1 What are the three methods of reading which are described?
[00:19.89]1 文章描述的三种方法是什么方法?
[00:23.07]2 What is the most important piece of advice in the text?
[00:26.40]2 课文中哪一个建议最重要?
[00:29.73]ON READING
[00:32.57]On the subject of reading,
[00:35.94]Francis Bacon,who lived at about the same time as Shakespeare,
[00:41.59]wrote these words,
[00:44.83]"Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,
[00:50.76]and some few to be chewed and digested.
[00:56.03]This good advice shows how it is possible
[01:00.79]to read different types of books in different ways.
[01:06.14]For example,you might pick up a travel book
[01:10.58]and read a few pages before going to sleep.
[01:15.15]It is enough to dip into it and read bits here and there.
[01:20.61]In a word,this is "tasting".Some stories are for"swallowing".
[01:27.67]Imagine that you have found a good story,
[01:31.90]and,what is even more important,the time to enjoy it.
[01:38.06]You might be on holiday,or on a long train journey.
[01:43.11]If it is a good book,you might say,"It's so good I can't put it down.
[01:50.26]“But not all stories belong to this class.
[01:54.52]Reviewers sometimes describe books as"hard-to-put-down",
[02:00.87]or "hard-to-pick-up-again".
[02:05.23]Other books are for reading slowly and carefully.
[02:09.78]If it is a book on a subject that you are interested in,
[02:14.45]you will want to"chew and digest it".
[02:18.81]That does not mean reading it too slowly.
[02:23.07]When you pick up a book for the first time,
[02:27.23]check that it is not too difficult.
[02:31.07]Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages
[02:36.73]that it is one you can easily read and understand.
[02:41.59]Next,if it is not a story,get an idea of the organization of the book.
[02:48.65]Read the back cover and the introduction.
[02:53.22]Look at the pictures and the short texts below them.
[02:58.57]Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents.
[03:03.01]This way you can decide whether the book
[03:06.85]is likely to interest you and if so,
[03:11.82]then you can decide which parts of the book
[03:15.87]will be most useful and interesting
[03:20.02]Here are some more reading tips.
[03:23.57]First,read a chapter quickly to get a general idea.
[03:28.43]Then,if you wish,you can read it once again more slowly,

[03:33.89]using a dictionary when necessary.
[03:37.65]Second,do not stop every time you
[03:42.33]come to a word or phrase you do not know.
[03:46.77]Quite often you will find the unknown word appears again,
[03:51.92]perhaps several times,
[03:55.39]and by the end of the chapter you will have guessed its meaning.
[04:00.54]That is how we learn the meaning of words in our own language.
[04:05.50]Imagine that you come across this sentence in a book:
[04:09.89]"The house was beginning to get cold,
[04:14.43]so Daisy pulled her red,
[04:18.27]woolen cardigan out of her bag and put it on."
[04:23.84]If you do not know the word "cardigan",
[04:27.68]you can guess from the situation that it may be made of wool,
[04:32.64]and is put on to keep warm,
[04:36.19]and is therefore likely to be an article of clothing.
[04:41.36]The last question is what to read.
[04:45.20]Start by making a list of all the types of books
[04:49.96]that you enjoy reading in Chinese.
[04:54.01]If you hate science stories,
[04:57.64]you are unlikely to enjoy reading them in English.
[05:02.37]But if you enjoy reading short stories in Chinese,
[05:07.44]look for collections of English ones.
[05:11.48]Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like?
[05:16.45]If so,look out for books,articles or magazines about them.
[05:22.61]You can enlarge your knowledge
[05:26.16]and learn some English at the same time.
[05:30.21]Finally,and above all,enjoy your reading!
[05:35.88]Lesson 58 1 Reading comprehension
[05:39.16]第五十八课1 阅读理解
[05:42.44]Read the text fast to find answers to these questions.
[05:47.69]1 Is the text about listening to people or learning a foreign language?
[05:51.57]1 这些课文是有关听众还是学习外语?
[05:55.45]2 Does the writer give advice or information or both?
[05:59.24]2 作者给了建议还是信息?或者两者都有?
[06:07.07]There are two meanings of the phrase "listening skills".
[06:09.85]"listening skills" 这个短语有两种含义。
[06:12.64]One refers to the type of listening pratice which we do
[06:15.30]一种含义是指我们的听 力训练
[06:17.97]when learning a foreign language.
[06:21.60]The more we practice,
[06:24.76]the better we get at listening to speech in a foreign language.
[06:29.80]The other meaning
[06:32.75]is about the art of being a good listener to other people.
[06:38.32]In this,the key to good listening is in the Chinese character "ting".
[06:44.98]It tells us a lot about how we should listen to each other.
[06:49.94]These are the parts of the character:"ear","you","eyes",
[06:57.59]"undivided attention"and "heart".
[07:00.08]“全神贯注” 和 “心”。
[07:02.56]Being a good listener means much more
[07:06.71]than just "listening with ears".

[07:10.26]"Eyes" mean that I should look at you
[07:14.34]while you are speaking as a sign of respect.
[07:16.70]“眼睛” 意思是当你和我说话时,我应该看着你的眼睛,这是一种尊重的标志。
[07:19.07]In other words Ishould not watch TV,
[07:23.43]or look over your shoulder at other people
[07:27.48]while we are talking together.
[07:30.85]"Undivided attention" is another sign of respect.
[07:35.89]You may have noticed that very few people
[07:40.25]listen with complete attention.
[07:44.09]Most people half-listen,
[07:47.64]and if you ask them to repeat what you have just said,they cannot.
[07:53.39]They may appear to be listening,
[07:56.94]but in fact lots of things are running around inside their heads:
[08:02.12]shopping lists,things to do,worries,problems and so on.
[08:08.96]What about "heart"?"Heart"is what makes you love other people.
[08:14.92]You can love your friend,
[08:17.97]even though you don't agree with everything she or he says.
[08:22.73]So when you listen to someone,
[08:26.38]you should listen with complete attention,
[08:30.22]and with complete respect for the other person.
[08:34.48]Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener.
[08:41.14]First,take turns to listen.
[08:45.40]Don't all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group.
[08:50.26]Listen without interrupting,and stop others from interrupting.
[08:56.92]Then it will be someone else's turn.
[09:00.68]That way everyone gets the chance to speak
[09:05.04]and to be listened to with respect.
[09:09.17]Second,if your friends have problems,do not give advice.
[09:15.70]Ask questions instead,such as"What do you want?
[09:20.87]How do you feel about it?What are you afraid might happen?"
[09:26.52]They will be able to find answers to any problems themselves,
[09:31.69]with your support.
[09:34.64]They just need encouragement
[09:38.17]and complete trust hat they are doing their best.
[09:42.82]Third,listen and be quiet while others are talking!
[09:48.49]Don't interrupt,saying,"Oh yes,that reminds me of....
[09:53.63]and start to tell your story.
[09:57.29]If someone has a serious problem,or illness or sadness,
[10:03.35]this is not the time to talk about a similar event in your life
[10:08.63]that happened years ago.
[10:11.87]Most of us are able to solve most of our problems.
[10:17.33]Often,all we need is a good friend who will listen to us
[10:22.99]while we "talk things through".
[10:26.44]If friends can take turns to listen to each other well,
[10:31.20]life will be better!
