
  我的心忽然卜卜地跳起来,他真是我的爸爸吗?看见他翻找抽屉的匆忙样子,他是不是冒充爸爸的贼? 我立即拿起电话,打算问问爸爸公司的同事,但却被一只手按住了。 我惊恐之余,急中生智,对「爸爸」说︰「爸爸,学校明天田径比赛,我想问问他们欢不欢迎家长参加。」 那只手放开了,点了点头,又去找他的抽屉。 打电话是不可能的,眼前的戴面谱的男人不是爸爸也可以肯定。 我忽然想到了电子报案的方法,我立刻坐到电脑前,把有贼进屋的消息告诉了警方。 刚报完警,假爸爸似乎也找遍了家里每一个地方。他想出门走了。 不得!我要留?他!我这样对他说︰「爸爸,你说把提款卡留给我,让我自己提钱去买波鞋的,但提款卡放在哪里呢?」 
  Then it struck me - was he really my dad? My heart began to beat very fast. I looked at the way he kept on searching, and asked myself: could he be a burglar pretending to be Daddy?  I picked up the phone, wanting to call Daddy’s office, but a hand came down and stopped me.  I reacted in that split second, and said, "Daddy, there’s an athletic meet tomorrow at school. I want to ask them if parents are invited."  He let go his hand, nodded, and went to the drawers again. Now I knew it would be impossible to make phone calls without his knowing. What I was even more certain was that this man behind the mask was not my dad.  Then a thought flashed through my mind - I know, I can report to the police online! So I sat in front of the computer and sent a message to the police, reporting that a stranger had come into my house.  Just when I had finished, this man who pretended to be my dad had finished searching the house and was set to leave.  I had to think of a way to stop him from leaving! So I said, "Daddy, you said you would leave me your ATM card so I can get money for my sports shoes. But where did you put it?"